The 'Hunter's' Commander has recieved a huge amount of gold.
Since he doesn't know what to do with it, he's giving it away.
But not that easily!
What am I going to have to do?
Contestants need to make a video about their character and tell his or her story in a video.
The video can be anything from 1 second to 10 minutes.
The Commander is looking for interesting stories.
He's not looking for fancy special effects in videos, but keep the video/story interesting!
The rules.
When your video is done, please post it as a video response to the video linked above.
The last day to post your video is the 29th of November.
Winners will be announced in a video as soon as possible.
When the video is up, winners will be contacted.
Appearances from other characters are allowed, but keep the story to a single one.
Either vocals or text can be added, won't take off any points.
Swearing is allowed, but don't overdo it.
1st = 200k
2nd = 100k
3rd = 50k
If you're looking for a way to record, you could use Fraps.
Watch this video for more details!
If there are any questions, please post them here, contact me on youtube or PM me ingame.
Good luck and have fun, I'd like to see some interesting stories!
Want to watch more videos by me? Click here!
Congratulations to the winners! And thanks to everyone who entered!