We are [SCAR], a elite PvE Kurzick guild and currently in [Wait] alliance centered mostly on Elite missions and areas. We have a few alliance elite mission/area runs per night, and we always run a full alliance team.
Our alliance is very active in the evenings of every day. Alliance activities are at least once a day and usually revolve around an elite mission. We involve our allies in most activities we have. Just think of us as one huge Mega Guild composed of 9 individual guilds. Alliance runs happen every where. A good number of us have finished GWEN many times over already and full alliance teams happen several times a day. Some major Title chasing activities also are a daily occurrence.
What the Guild offers:
- A huge number of Experienced players.
- Active and friendly atmosphere
- A high end codec vent server.
- An alliance leadership dedicated to the success of the alliance as a whole
- No faction requirements or mandatory activities. After all, this is just a game and we are all here to have fun.
Most of our members are mature, civilized individuals who have been in the game for a long time, and are usually very well off when it comes to GW money status. We are all nice, helpful, and active ppl who constantly look for more players of the same kind to join our family.
What we expect from our members:
- Being an active player.
- Being friendly and nice
- Keeping the AC free of spam, inappropriate language, racial and religious comments.
- Sharing their activities with the rest of the alliance. Prime examples are AB, HA teams, elite missions runs…
- Commitment to the guild, we expect this to be long term relation ship, i.e. don't join us just to get thru a few elite missions then leave.
We are really laid back people and don't have a lot of reqs from our members. We just that you have a passion for playing the game, and want to try out new builds and new things in the areas we already do.
If there are anymore more questions, please feel free to PM one of the officers or myself ingame, and visit: www.scar.shootboard.com and post an application so we can get the ball rolling on you possibly joining [SCAR]. When you fill the application out, please be as detailed as possible as a quickly/sloppy filled out app will most likely just be denied. You are applying for a spot in the #1 PvE guild in the game, so take the time and do it right.
Some of the basic qualifications we have in [SCAR] are:
1) Been able to re-roll to at least 4 of the professions we use in our runs. (Mes, Necro, Monk, Sin, Rit, Para, and Warrior)
2) Respectful to everyone in the guild and alliance.
3) Knowledge of Elite areas are a plus, so if you have never been to DoA, or have done much playing in HM, then this is not the guild/alliance for you.
4) Have at least descent ranks in EoTN/SS/LB ranks, and a majority of the PvE skills.
5) Have fun and play the game. =)
People you should contact if you have any questions:
-Dont Mess Withme
-Countess Tera
-Arda Tempest
-Carnage Runner
-Gergelem Nad
-The Divine Avengr
-Genius Was Revrac
SCAR Guild looking for more active friendly "pro" players