27 Oct 2009 at 05:28 - 2
As always, I recommend salvaging any valuable mods and selling them separately.
Just pc'ing the weapons with junk mods or no mods, here's what I think you can reasonably expect ...
r9 gold insc. Hawkeye Hammer - ~3k, can be hard to find buyers.
r9 gold insc. Platinum Longbow - ~3k, EotN dungeons have flooded the market with these.
r9 gold inherent 15^50 Dead Bow - ~5-7k, HM undead farming had a way of flooding the market with these.
r9 gold insc. Sephis Axe - ~5-7k, another one EotN dungeons are overproducing
r9 gold Fuchsia Staff - ~5-7k is normal for these I think. Can be hard to find buyers, but you can get more for them sometimes if you hold out. Some folks really like how they dye.
Cheers & GL!