PC on a few golds please


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Had a few golds in my storage and no clue what they are worth. Could someone help me out please?

Thanks in advance!

Have a Hammergrip of Demonslaying (20% vs Demons)
and these golds:

I can also post skins if necessary



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009



Saw a hammergrip of DS going for 10k in Kam. Price may vary.

Sir Cusfreak

Sir Cusfreak

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

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the daggers and the spatha may be worth selling to players, but the rest is merchfood.
3-4k on daggers, some people like that skin.
get other opinions on the spatha. it's r9 inherent perf, so worth something, but definitely not a sought-after skin, so dont expect much from it, imo.
agreed on hammer mod price, seen a couple being offered for around that.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Thanks guys! I tried gettin a pc on that hammerhaft for a while in Spamadan but the only reply i got was "merch it, nobody needs those" lol

I was hoping the Spatha would be worth something even though it was not a rare skin. Some of the other golds have cool skins, but with their reqs and mods i didn't know if they would be worth anything.

I wanted to check and make sure I didnt trash something valuable because of lack of knowledge... wouldnt be the first time