Originally Posted by chaosincarnate87
Umm.. just an idea... but... why dont they just make how you see the skills based on whether your character type is pvp or pve... like if you go to the GH with a pvp char you see the pvp set or vice versa...
Because there are many people that use their PvE characters for PvP so they can get the weapons, armor...etc...
I'm not lazy. I know I can go to a town and set up for whatever I'm doing, but I shouldnt have to just because there are some pvp'ers that cried about not being able to see skills in the form that they would use it, without some sort of compromise for those of us that dont find PvP as our cup of tea...
Instead of doing a full guild hall change..
*I'd be in favor of keeping it and have an account specific toggle FOR THE SKILLS ONLY. Which you would be able to change at the character select screen (something like the ability to see concise and non-concise versions of the skill)
*Allowing henchmen in the guildhall, but then losing the function to enter pvp areas.
The guild hall is a PvX area...and so should be treated that way...some sort of compromise... not "RAWR PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT GOREDENGINEGOREDENGINEGO USED TO BE"