1. req 7 ar 15 Great Conch , +30hp/enchanted, insc, blue
2. req 8 ar 14 Ornate Buckler, +41hp/stance, +1/20% Fire magic, gold, non insc
3. req 10 ar 16 Embossed Aegis, +1/19% Protection prayers, gold, non insc
all shields are tactics req
4. Murssat hammer req 9 insc, +30 hp, gold
5. Katana of Fortitude req 9, NON INSC, +30 hp, 15^50
6. Tribal Axe req 9 insc, perf mods
PC few shields plz
Shokre the strasni
1. 50-60k+
2 and 3 i would merch
2 and 3 i would merch
M @ T
Agreed with Stu and
4 ~ 40k
6 ~ 40k
Take more PCs though.
4 ~ 40k
6 ~ 40k
Take more PCs though.
King Bannian
agree with stuey and others on shields
disagree with M @ T on #4.
Saw someone trying to sell r9 mursaat hammer perf mods in kamadan for 20k for 3 or 4 hours the other day.
disagree with M @ T on #4.
Saw someone trying to sell r9 mursaat hammer perf mods in kamadan for 20k for 3 or 4 hours the other day.