Thanks to Devs and Regina
Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is greatly appreciated. Most of my alliance wasn't even aware of the problem before it was fixed.
Special thanks to Regina for letting us know it was being worked on. The ANet devs are amazing as always.
Special thanks to Regina for letting us know it was being worked on. The ANet devs are amazing as always.
Well, since i started this thread, i wanted it to be seen and not drowned out with negativity and missed. But seems that no matter what, some will always find a way to be negative, even in a thread that was meant to be positive. *ahem*
Thak you.
Really appreciated and fast.
Really appreciated and fast.
Big thanks.
Quick and much appreciated.
Quick and much appreciated.
/signed for many thanks. That was much quicker than I expected, and I greatly appreciate the extra effort to get this inconvenience resolved.
Pandora's box
/Signed Thanks for the fast reaction!

Thank you Developers and Regina for acting so quick. Thats the way to go!
II Lucky Charm II
Why are you thanking them? You should be thanking us and yourself because it was the players' idea to remove heroes/add back heroes and not theirs. It was not until recently that they decided to follow our ideas, and that was an excellent choice on their parts.
Why are you thanking them? You should be thanking us and yourself because it was the players' idea to remove heroes and not theirs. It was not until recently that they decided to follow our ideas, and that was an excellent choice on their parts.
I might as well say it. Thanks ANet.
muchas gracias amigos!!
Thanks. It makes my GH worth while again.
Thanks you. 
Thank you for returning the heroes to the GH. Now just bunch up the henchmen in one corner, our private space is being invaded. lol