Charlie Dayman
@Hoodie: Might be, the case looks vaguely familiar.
@Deatgs: Yeah, I'm still indifferent about putting in the PS effect. I'll decide on whether or not to use it as soon as I fill in all the black spaces on the picture.
@Yun: With any luck, maybe much later tonight. I've got a little bit of studying to do for an Art History mid term tomorrow. At the latest, it'll be completely finished on Thursday the fifth. Oh, and don't think I forgot about your comission - I'll get around to your piece as soon as I finish this and all these essays clear up.
@Deatgs: Yeah, I'm still indifferent about putting in the PS effect. I'll decide on whether or not to use it as soon as I fill in all the black spaces on the picture.
@Yun: With any luck, maybe much later tonight. I've got a little bit of studying to do for an Art History mid term tomorrow. At the latest, it'll be completely finished on Thursday the fifth. Oh, and don't think I forgot about your comission - I'll get around to your piece as soon as I finish this and all these essays clear up.
I'm good at waiting, and I don't mind. I do like to see your finished pieces though! You actually finish your pieces, unlike some people who-will-not-be-mentioned.
Eragon Zarroc
commission? what? commission? you do commissions? how much for commission? commission?
p.s. ooooo, it's gonna be finished soon can't wait
p.s. ooooo, it's gonna be finished soon can't wait
YSJ, if by that you mean me, I'm still working on your pic too, revamping it a bit, and fixing details.
I've been racking my brain over the ecto/doppelganger contest, and I might be done with my pic today or tomorrow.
So don't worry, I haven't forgotten you.
I've been racking my brain over the ecto/doppelganger contest, and I might be done with my pic today or tomorrow.
So don't worry, I haven't forgotten you.
Charlie Dayman
I hate being forced to study when I want to do art. I get all fidgety and start to procrastinate.
Know what your exact idea is going to be for the Doppleganger, Minami?
And Eragon, commissions from me are still up in the air. Yun was and is the only person so far to ask me for a commish; from around the time Tzu's Workshop went up. These two contests just got me sidetracked, so I wanted to jump to his request next. We'll see how things unroll as things clear up. Commissions from me will probably be really limited since I'm trying to balance out class work as well.
Know what your exact idea is going to be for the Doppleganger, Minami?
And Eragon, commissions from me are still up in the air. Yun was and is the only person so far to ask me for a commish; from around the time Tzu's Workshop went up. These two contests just got me sidetracked, so I wanted to jump to his request next. We'll see how things unroll as things clear up. Commissions from me will probably be really limited since I'm trying to balance out class work as well.
no i wasnt talking about any of you guys.. i was talking about blue, who never finishes a single piece he does :|
Whaaaaaaaaat. I totally finish my pieces. To a point where I consider them done.
Eragon Zarroc
Originally Posted by Charlie Dayman
Commissions from me will probably be really limited since I'm trying to balance out class work as well.
yessir ;-)
Charlie Dayman
Maybe limited isn't the best word. "Sporadic" sounds more appropriate.
Originally Posted by Charlie Dayman
So I ended up with 2 warrior girls fighting, with my own idea of a doppelganger look. Just finishing up post work right now, it should be done later today.