Want to learn FoWSC as MoP

Bathal Nasp

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


I'd like to learn FoWSC as the MoP necro, but I don't want to piss off PUGs by claiming I know what I'm doing until I'm sure I can do it.

I'm willing to provide cons, pay a fee, etc, if a group will let me run the MoP bar a couple times till I get the hang of it. I've done FoW a fair amount of times (so I won't screw things up by leading the griffins to their death), just never with this build.

I've got a couple days off work coming up, so please shoot me a PM if we can work something out.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006




You can easily join pug groups as a monk UA and watch how the MoP plays. UA is probably the easiest job until the group reaches forest...giving you more time to follow the MoP footsteps.

FOWsc is just brain dead easy for the non-tanks.

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