Random Codex Arena
Ok, I did not find any other thread like this so here it goes: A random codex arena. 20 minutes into each day, every team ends up with the exact same builds which frankly gets quite boring. If the arena was random, it would make the experience more exciting then just plain mirror matches.
/signed, they can even use old TA outpost for new Random CA.
Shayne Hawke
A Codex Arena that promotes players to sync and roll random teams. Cool.
Eragon Zarroc
I WaterGun I
Sick of losing to groups that are just forming G6+, I've played maybe 50 Codex games and still not a single point in the title.
Zanagi Kazuhiko
own age myname
defiantly /signed
I could live in RA Codex ^^
I could live in RA Codex ^^
Demonlord Matt
The fact that it was not random was one of my first complaints with codex. (Since i was thinking of posting this kind of thread myself...)
Lawliet Kira
when u say random what do you mean? like everytime you enter the codex outpost u get different skills? or everytime u enter a match
yeah he's saying like if you were a warrior, you would join a game and you wouldn end up with a random warrior build, of course weapons would have to be provided to you if it was a hammer build and you only had axes, but isn't that much like what the current costume brawl is doing?