3 Golds in Need of PC
Total Lockdown
~~~Closed By User~~~
Elegant Scythe could net 15-20k because of mods
Total Lockdown
Bring up my Post
Sir Cusfreak
20k or so on Demonic, they just dont sell well, especially in para reqs.
10k for the Ebonhand
Elegant = whatever the mods total is worth, 15-18 or so.
Saurian...at r11, gl selling. r9 can bring 20k, though, so you might get a little out of it.
10k for the Ebonhand
Elegant = whatever the mods total is worth, 15-18 or so.
Saurian...at r11, gl selling. r9 can bring 20k, though, so you might get a little out of it.