Add the ability to call your ping.
Shayne Hawke
Ctrl-Click on the progress monitor should send a message to your team saying, "My latest ping is XX and my average ping is YY."
Dei Gracia
would be nice to have... So you can actually say i cant mes cause my ping <.<
I can understand why you would like to have that. But I don't think the resourses are available to make it happen.
Bob Slydell
I would keep a copy on hand to paste in like "My ping is 60,000" and spam it followed by LAG, just for when I suck in PvP.
I would hate it when noobs in speed clears die and make up some fake message for failing:
My ping is 75,000 and my average ping is 350.
I would hate it when noobs in speed clears die and make up some fake message for failing:
My ping is 75,000 and my average ping is 350.
Eragon Zarroc
would be nice. would also be nice to ping what hit you and caused your death. but unfortunately, these would just be luxury things and aren't really needed. there are more important things to worry about, but adding more ctrl-click options for other things would nice for anet to keep in mind if things slow down.
go cubs
/signed, ive actually tried to do that multiple times and then i realized that you cant...but yeah i mean...its not really NECESSARY but itd be kinda fun to have i guess...that is if it takes like 5 minutes to add or somethin lol
Xx Da Best Xx
Been asked for before...still want it. Only time i fail is when i lag.
I would hate it when noobs in speed clears die and make up some fake message for failing: My ping is 75,000 and my average ping is 350. |
if you switch the language, the language of the ping would switch.
if you fake message, it would stay english.
for example...
someone really pings their ping
My ping is XX and average ping is YY.
in bork bork bork it would show up as:
My peeng is XX und eferege-a peeng is YY.
or something like that
if someone fake pings, it would stay in english no matter what.
yeah, it takes extra work to check if it is legitimate, but the same goes for skillbars. you can just type out the text from a skillbar and it would look legit, as long as you are in english.
i usually play on bork bork bork while looking for skill bars and such to make sure ppl arent just typing it out.
and even then. if they just made the XX ping and the YY average ping in like green text, so it cant even be faked, that would be even nicer.
/signed only if we get an "My FPS is ....."
been suggested before and who the hell cares about something like this.
yes.....I really want this.
but not for PVE cause pvers r ghey! |
Yes it would be nice to have but it would be abused by lots of players and there would be interminable letters to anet saying I didn't deserve this because it wasn't my fault see screen shot of my ping at the time etc etc
I can just see the huge moan fest.
"Our PD has missed every rupt for the last 3 matchs"
"Our PD has missed every rupt for the last 3 matchs"
~ Dan ~
i foresee "my ping is over 9000 with an average ping of 1337" and the like... no thanks.
Axel Zinfandel
That's just what we need is discrimination based on ping.
Reverend Dr
the pub is going to spam whatever anyway, kick him and be done with it
That being said as our usual group will have people from europe, east coast, west coast, alaska, australia, and hong kong this will introduce a meta game of who can get the highest score.
That being said as our usual group will have people from europe, east coast, west coast, alaska, australia, and hong kong this will introduce a meta game of who can get the highest score.
all this would do is make it easier for people to give excuses. if you're lagging suck it up and stop caring what others think about your gameplay.
If your lagging badly then I would say don't join with others esp in pvp where its a real killer, pve is more forgiving but its still a pain.
If all players were reasonable then letting your team know you have a problem would be both useful and polite.
It would also be good when your with friends or guildies, that said there are a load of idiots out there so it wouldn't really work.
Day Trooper
Ping Discrimation roflz.
I don't see any harm in this suggestion - why not? /Signed. |
K thx ... we have enough discrimination in this game already. I started to hate it as soon as it wasn't 'just about fun' and started to be 'all about being top and money'. You see, for us 'little poor casual players', not interested in extreme e-sport, it's unneeded extra layer of discrimination.
I agree there are 9999 good reasons to implement this, but can't you just type what your ping really is atm? I mean, it takes what, half a second to do?
I can somewhat comply with rank and vent/ts discrimination, as experience of ruined games due to bad communication and completely inexperienced/unwilling to learn people is waste of time, but 'call your ping or gtfo' is just too much. I can see more harm than good done.
Vote abstained.
Lawliet Kira
maybe when you ping there can be a unique symbol in the text that isnt on any keyboard?
spirit of defeat
Bob Slydell
For the non keyboard symbol,
1. Start>Run>Charmap.exe FTW
1. Start>Run>Charmap.exe FTW