LF Forgemaster Run



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Looking For One.


Just as the title states I'm in need of a quick run to the forgemaster, nothing more, i have heroes and I'm willing to help but if you expect me to do that then don't expect a big pay. I'm usually on in the evenings GMT-7.

Please Contact me In-Game about what you will charge for this and your conditions and not here on Guru as i will not be checking this thread.

<--My IGN

I also reserve the right not to accept your service if i find your price and conditions unreasonable.

Thank you.

Edit:I am in no longer need of this service mods please close and or remove this thread.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2009

20k will take roughly 30min you don't need to help just come you can go afk if you want.

IGN: The Exiled Necro