Barbed Dead Bow Of Defense
14-28 (require 11 marks)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)
Lengthens Bleed duration by 33%
Armor +5
Vampiric Dead Bow Of Warding
15-28 (req 9)
Armor -10 (While attacking)
Life Stealing: 5
Health Regenration: -1
Armor +7 (vs. Elemental Damage)
Hale Earth Staff Of Shelter
Halves skill recharge of spells (change: 17%)
Energy +10
Earth dmg: 11-21 (req 11 earth)
Health +16
Armor +4 (vs physical damage)
PC on these items please
1st dead bow and the staff aren't max so they can be sold to the merchant.
I'd merch the other dead bow too, even if it is 15/-10- common skin, tough sell.
I'd merch the other dead bow too, even if it is 15/-10- common skin, tough sell.