I think having an artisan in the Guild Hall would be a neat addition. I know how scattered about the lands, there are different artisans who can craft different materials, why not enable such a "ladder" if you will in the Guild Hall.
Like any other NPC, make his initial cost be 100k. Then have him separated into upgradable "levels" to where you can actually BUY what items you want him to be able to craft, therefore changing his NPC name. This will provide both a gold sink that Arenanet has problems with making, and it would give other players a way to get rid of their unwanted, unsellable materials and crafting them into things they can use, or sell to other players.
For instance, I'd say make him a Dwarf (We lack dwarf's in the GH), and name him like Brennar Goldenhands (I was put on the spot for a name lol) and give him a little rank out beside his name such as: (Beginner Artisan) or something to that effect, and as he learns more and more items to craft, his rank gets higher. You can make it 5 titles, each unlocked every 3 items learned, then one for max, allowing competition amongst guilds in an alliance to see who can get him maxed that fastest.... anyways...
I think having each upgrade set at 100k would allow people to have to pay a hefty price to unlock each item, which may deterr people who still like running to various artisans and crafting their materials, or some the other side of things provide a gold sink and a way for people to spend their unwanted gold.
Just an idea, thoughts on how to make it into a reality would be nice. Thanks for you all's time.