Needing a PC on all of these items, (especially #7) and wondering if each one is worth selling, or if it should be sold to merch, or if there is a mod/skin that i should hold onto. Thanks in advance

Items Pictured
Murakai's Blade
Slashing Dmg 15-22 (req 9 swordsmanship)
damage +15% while health above 50%
energy gain on hit 1
energy regeneration -1
health +30
Shocking Dadao Sword of Shelter
Lightning Damage 15-22 (req 12 swordsmanship)
Armor +7 vs physical
"Let the Memory Live Again" (10% halves recharge of spells)
Adept Air Staff of Mastery
Halves skill recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Damage 11-22 (req 9 air magic)
halves casting time of air spells (19%)
air magic +1 (19%)
"I am Sorrow" (Energy +7 while hexed)
Daedal Shield of Valor
Armor 16 (req 12 motivation)
Health +58 while hexed
"Like a Rolling Stone" (Armor +9 vs earth damage)
Kole's Gauntlet
Energy +12 (req 9 soul reaping)
reduces poison duration 20% (Stacking)
health +30
Ebon Avian Axe of Shelter
Earth dmg 6-28 (req 9 axe mastery)
armor +7 vs physical damage
"show me the money!" (improved sale value)
*Fiery Stygian Reaver of Deathbane*
Fire dmg 6-28 (req 9 axe mastery)
"Strength and Honor" (Damage +15% ^ 50% health)
Dmg +20% vs undead (garbage mod, will be taken off)
Zealous Kris Daggers of Shelter
Piercing Dmg 7-17 (req 10 dagger mastery)
armor +7 vs physical dmg
"I have the power" (Energy +5)
energy gain on hit 1
energy regeneration -1
Hale Earth Staff of Warding
Halves skill recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +10
Earth dmg 11-22 (req 13 earth magic)
reduces crippled duration 20% (stacking)
health +27
armor +7 vs ele damage
Elite Warrior Tome
Cruel Brass Spear of Shelter
Piercing dmg 14-27 (req 9 spear mastery)
lengthens deep wound duration 33% (stacking)
armor +7 vs physical dmg
"I have the power!" (+5 energy)
Smiting Rod of Memory
Holy Dmg 11-22 (req 13 smiting prayers)
halves skill recharge of smiting prayers spells (20%)
"Aptitude not Attitude" (Halves casting time of smiting prayers spells (19%)
Claws of the Broodmother
Slashing dmg 7-17 (req 9 dagger mastery)
damage +15% (health above 15%)
lengthens poison duration 33% (stacking)
health +30
Icy Blade Axe
Cold Dmg 6-28 (req 12 axe mastery)
"dance with death" (Damage +15% while in a stance)
Stoneshard Hornbow of Marksmanship
Piercing Dmg 15-28 (req 9 marksmanship)
marksmanship +1 (19% while using skills)
"Strength and Honor" (Dmg +15% while health ^50%)
Wayward Wand
Dark Dmg 11-22 (req 9 blood magic)
halves skill recharge of blood magic spells (20%)
energy +5 (while health above 50%)
Dirks of Warding
Piercing Dmg 7-17 (req 11 dagger mastery)
armor +7 vs elemental
"To the Pain!" (Damage +15%, Armor -10 [While Attacking])
Insightful Pyrewood Staff of Fortitude
Halves skill recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +10
Fire dmg 11-22 (req 10 fire magic)
Energy +5
Health +29
"Aptitude not Attitude" (Halves casting time of Fire magic spells 19%)
Swift Inscribed Staff of Devotion
Halves skill recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +10
Chaos Dmg 11-22 (req 12 domination magic)
Halves casting time of spells (9%)
Health +44 (while enchanted)
"Vengance is Mine" (Damage +20% while health below 50%)
Divine Scroll
Energy +12 (req 12 divine favor)
"Strength of Body" (Reduces Deep Wound duration by 20% [Stacking])
Items not Pictured
Emblazoned Defender of Fortitude
Armor 16 (req 11 tactics)
Health +27
"Soundness of Mind" (Reduced Dazed duration on you by 20% [Stacking])
Defensive Air Staff
Halves skill recharge of spells (20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg 11-22 (req 10 air magic)
Armor +5
"To The Pain!" (Damage +14%, Armor -10 [While Attacking])
Sundering Giant Slayers Hammer of Hammer Mastery
Blunt Dmg 19-35 (req 11 hammer mastery)
Damage +14% (While health above 50%)
Armor Penetration +20% (19% chance)
Hammer Mastery +1 (15% chance while using skills)