PC on PERFECT q8 old school FDS and more
I have a req8 perfect old school fiery dragon sword, a perfect q9 draconic aegis, a mini mad king in pre, a req 9 perfect coulded maul, a q9 perfect inscribable storm bow, a req9 perfect ascalon razor. any help on the prices would be quite appreciated.
r9 of what for the draconic? helps to know
what stats are "perfect".... ? that does not help in the least either.. some people call r9 15 stance "perfect"
what stats are "perfect".... ? that does not help in the least either.. some people call r9 15 stance "perfect"
I dont think "perfect" means what you think Malice, anyway
Stormbow insc 25-40k
Ascalon Razor 10-20k
Stormbow insc 25-40k
Ascalon Razor 10-20k
Its Q8 15^50 +30 so very much so perfect