Titan content.
Wel, I think there are a lot of people who love the Titan quests.
And also a lot of people would like some new content.
Wouldn't it be nice if they use the unused area's of the prophecies map to make some titan area's. forrests full of those creatures that a are like the foe's during the defend Tyria quest.
I'm really hoping for some content (new area) update, so maybe this is a idea
And also a lot of people would like some new content.
Wouldn't it be nice if they use the unused area's of the prophecies map to make some titan area's. forrests full of those creatures that a are like the foe's during the defend Tyria quest.
I'm really hoping for some content (new area) update, so maybe this is a idea
Dewshine Wildclaw
Although the titan quests was nice (once I figured out they were not impossible) I do think there to be better things to make a new area from. Why only a realm for Grenth and Baltazar?.... I want a realm for Dwayna... Lyssa and since I'm a ranger by all my heart most importantly a realm for Melandru.... let the ladies show they got some kick ass realms and leave those old guys for a bit :P
Why only a realm for Grenth and Baltazar?.... |
and you've got plenty titans behind the door of komalie.
although changing the rewards would be nice, only the experience ain't that sought after when you already have beaten the game.
Although the titan quests was nice (once I figured out they were not impossible) I do think there to be better things to make a new area from. Why only a realm for Grenth and Baltazar?.... I want a realm for Dwayna... Lyssa and since I'm a ranger by all my heart most importantly a realm for Melandru.... let the ladies show they got some kick ass realms and leave those old guys for a bit :P
~ Dan ~
Wouldn't it be nice if they use the unused area's of the prophecies map to make some titan area's.
I want a realm for Dwayna... Lyssa and since I'm a ranger by all my heart most importantly a realm for Melandru....
I'm really hoping for some content (new area) update |

Eragon Zarroc
adding more map area will not happen because it will affect cartography title. it would have to be a dungeon/elite area type thing.
Dewshine Wildclaw
adding more map area will not happen because it will affect cartography title. it would have to be a dungeon/elite area type thing.
Originally Posted by ~ Dan ~
But isn't going to happen

grenth and balthazar's realms are a dark, tormented and evil place. while it would be awesome if melandru had a realm that was like a big jungle or something like that

Although the titan quests was nice (once I figured out they were not impossible) I do think there to be better things to make a new area from. Why only a realm for Grenth and Baltazar?.... I want a realm for Dwayna... Lyssa and since I'm a ranger by all my heart most importantly a realm for Melandru.... let the ladies show they got some kick ass realms and leave those old guys for a bit :P
Because, lore wise, only the Realms of Balthazar and Grenth are threatened and invaded by evil forces. We're brought in to help clean those Realms. The Realms of the other Gods aren't invaded, so there's no reason for the Gods to allow access to them.
You can make up new crap!
Bob Slydell
The other realms aren't invaded...yet. Or that we know of. I'd love to see realms for the goddesses.
Sadly, the chances of it happening are pretty slim.
Not too sure about titan areas, but I do wish that the rewards for those quests would be adjusted.
Sadly, the chances of it happening are pretty slim.
Not too sure about titan areas, but I do wish that the rewards for those quests would be adjusted.
Marty Silverblade
If we were getting new content, it'd probably be the Catacombs. I don't know how many people saw it but there was a thread where Linzey was explaining how much work goes into creating a single map. Since the Catacombs has already been created (maybe given a large expansion, given that it would probably have elite mission status), the basis is there, essentially.
Dewshine Wildclaw
If we were getting new content, it'd probably be the Catacombs. I don't know how many people saw it but there was a thread where Linzey was explaining how much work goes into creating a single map. Since the Catacombs has already been created (maybe given a large expansion, given that it would probably have elite mission status), the basis is there, essentially.

and I know that realms of the goddesses are unlikely to be added.... but one can dream lol
about the lore part that would be easy to fix, making up some new lore around it would prolly be the least of the problems in it.
There's a guy that runs a so-called new elite area in Prophecy called Titan Dungeon. Check it out in Doomlore.
Dewshine Wildclaw
I'd instead like to see the mission areas on the Ring of Fire Island Chain open up as explorable areas. Along with the rest of the Prophecies mission areas.
Bob Slydell
I've actually been wanting this. But the problem is...that...It would create a whole load of more areas needed to vanq and for people almost done or finally done would be pissed to know they lost their title and need to go vanq these 'new' areas. But I know what you mean mostly like the missions/zones in factions. But I think in faction's case was all areas were designed before mission placement was decided so they placed missions to take place in those special versions of explorable areas. Would still be good idea for prophecies, but would require more work than i'm sure it took in factions. And now that I think about it, I wonder if this was how prophecies was designed originally but scrapped. I'm positive along many paths in a mission you will find an 'inactive' res shrine for absolutely no reason.
I've actually been wanting this. But the problem is...that...It would create a whole load of more areas needed to vanq and for people almost done or finally done would be pissed to know they lost their title and need to go vanq these 'new' areas. But I know what you mean mostly like the missions/zones in factions. But I think in faction's case was all areas were designed before mission placement was decided so they placed missions to take place in those special versions of explorable areas. Would still be good idea for prophecies, but would require more work than i'm sure it took in factions. And now that I think about it, I wonder if this was how prophecies was designed originally but scrapped. I'm positive along many paths in a mission you will find an 'inactive' res shrine for absolutely no reason.
Ha ha; so true! 
A few ideas of the top of my head:
* A feud between Lyssa's two halves (not life or death, but both sides would just be expendable illusions anyway).
* Melandru's realm corrupted by darkness, dragons or a Sylvari tie in - basically an excuse to make level 20+ versions of all the existing animals (in need of 'pacifying') with skillbars.
* Kormir carving out a new realm in the mists, building her army of Truths and eradicating lingering Lies (could be a map filled with super tough groups, but when you wipe out each group the last foe standing is redeemed as an ally - aim to accumulate a force strong enough to taken on ever-tougher fights).
* Assuming an avatar of Dwayna form to venture alone into the mists where restless heroes battle without end - invulnerable but devoid of offense, you have to use a bar of Divine, Healing and Protection skills to help one side triumph.
But like Marty Silverblade pointed out; they'd have to re-use existing maps (easy for Melandru's realm at least), else the theme has to be pre-Searing Ascalon.
It'd be cool to have the catacombs unearthed, but it is a strain to see how it can be made a challenge - the geography isn't very complex and a map full of Undead seems open to all manner of Smiting Prayers abuse.

A few ideas of the top of my head:
* A feud between Lyssa's two halves (not life or death, but both sides would just be expendable illusions anyway).
* Melandru's realm corrupted by darkness, dragons or a Sylvari tie in - basically an excuse to make level 20+ versions of all the existing animals (in need of 'pacifying') with skillbars.
* Kormir carving out a new realm in the mists, building her army of Truths and eradicating lingering Lies (could be a map filled with super tough groups, but when you wipe out each group the last foe standing is redeemed as an ally - aim to accumulate a force strong enough to taken on ever-tougher fights).
* Assuming an avatar of Dwayna form to venture alone into the mists where restless heroes battle without end - invulnerable but devoid of offense, you have to use a bar of Divine, Healing and Protection skills to help one side triumph.
But like Marty Silverblade pointed out; they'd have to re-use existing maps (easy for Melandru's realm at least), else the theme has to be pre-Searing Ascalon.
It'd be cool to have the catacombs unearthed, but it is a strain to see how it can be made a challenge - the geography isn't very complex and a map full of Undead seems open to all manner of Smiting Prayers abuse.
Chronos the Defiler
* Kormir carving out a new realm in the mists, building her army of Truths and eradicating lingering Lies (could be a map filled with super tough groups, but when you wipe out each group the last foe standing is redeemed as an ally - aim to accumulate a force strong enough to taken on ever-tougher fights).
So there would be a "realm of trials" type of thing, 3 pathways from your starting location, each ending in a grand room with a boss in waiting...once the boss is submitted to 10% HP he can become an ally and waits in the main hall (where you began).
Once you gather the 3 bosses (technically defeating each 3) the gate will open to the final path to the final boss, where you, your party and the 3 redeemed bosses all fight the last foe in an epic battle!
It'd be cool to have the catacombs unearthed, but it is a strain to see how it can be made a challenge - the geography isn't very complex and a map full of Undead seems open to all manner of Smiting Prayers abuse.