PC: Bunch of items, couple of good ones I think


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Hey, I don't know anything about prices so xD.
Could you please price check these for me:

Thank you!!!

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

1. 100k+10-15e imo
2. merch
3. maybe 1k
5. 1-5k
8. fairly high... don't know exactly, but tentacle is desirable scythe skin imo. wait for another pc on this one.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by King Bannian View Post
1. 100k+10-15e imo
2. merch
3. maybe 1k
5. 1-5k
8. fairly high... don't know exactly, but tentacle is desirable scythe skin imo. wait for another pc on this one.
And really thanks on for pc'ing 8, wanting to merch that one xD

Sir Cusfreak

Sir Cusfreak

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

In your backline

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1. agreed with 100+10
2. salvage mod and merch
4. salvage insc & merch
5. 3-5k
6. salvage handle & merch
8. dont merch
10. 5k
11-13. merch