Shinobi blades..

Royal Bodyguard

Royal Bodyguard

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2009

SoutherN California


Basic Pvp Reward and drop throught just about the entirety of why does this page: s

Have them listed at such high prices...

I asked for a PC on one of these a few days ago...I got an estimate of 5k...really...what the hell...



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Ppl can ask what ever they want. doesnt mean other ppl will pay..

R9 insc is ~25k.. r9 15^50 non insc ~50k probably.. higher reqs less then that

Sir Cusfreak

Sir Cusfreak

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

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did you miss the fact that there were no bids on those acutions? thats because, as you said, they were insanely overpriced. I once asked that much for a s/b on a purple bow, just for lulz.

also, your PC thread on nov 4th got an estimate of 25k, not of 5k.

and while they CAN fall all over cantha, getting a gold one isnt THAT common, and getting GOOD gold ones is fairly rare. The insc versions are half or less than half of a non-insc one, as already stated. and r9 +5e will bring more than a r9 15^50, and a r9 stance will bring next to nothing. I sold a +5energy r9 shinobi for 65k. I have a r11 insc that I doubt will sell at all.
