Forum loads slow
Chasing Squirrels
Hey so I have actually been having this problem for over a year now. The guildwarsguru forum pages take some time to load like 1second-10seconds. I only experience this slow down on guru. So I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and what is causing it?
Bob Slydell
Mine has also been wacky over the years, has it's ups and downs. And Yeah, it's not on our ends, has to be guru's because everything else has no problem loading.
Sometimes I'll post and it times out and says I must wait 30 seconds between posting, when I have not posted before within 30 seconds, go to submit again only to find it DID submit and I just doubleposted.
Same for searches...only..when it happens, I get the 30 second message even if i didn't search before and I don't get my search results. Pisses me off. Wouldn't be too surprised if it was some of the AD"s on this site..I have literally watched my browser just hang on loading a a URL with an AD-like name like "" etc...
Sometimes I'll post and it times out and says I must wait 30 seconds between posting, when I have not posted before within 30 seconds, go to submit again only to find it DID submit and I just doubleposted.
Same for searches...only..when it happens, I get the 30 second message even if i didn't search before and I don't get my search results. Pisses me off. Wouldn't be too surprised if it was some of the AD"s on this site..I have literally watched my browser just hang on loading a a URL with an AD-like name like "" etc...
own age myname
Yeah, it's been loading slow every since I joined. I've learned to live with it.
prey monkie
guess downside of Free site. but i have the same slowloading. but lets not QQ to much cuz GwG is still an awesome site which i enjoy everyday for free^^
Chasing Squirrels
Lord Sojar
Moved to site feedback for further discussion and inquiry.
I've been noticing a slow down recently as well. Can't say I've had problems on and off for a year now like some others, but thanks for the heads up.
Marty Silverblade
I'm not noticing any difference to what it normally is, only a few seconds in total.
Malice Black
Occasionally pages can load slow, but compared to a few years ago it's still fairly good overall.
OP you are not alone.
I don't think there's ever been a point where GWG hasn't loaded slowly for me. Certainly much, much more slow than every other site I frequent.
Drelias Melaku
I didn't notice it when I was on dial-up, and I just got high-speed about a year ago. It doesn't load any more quickly with my high-speed than it did with my dial-up, though all other sites load just fine.
I just assumed it was because it was high-traffic and learned to live with it, though it can be a bit irritating at times. Of course, I won't complain if anyone has a solution.
I just assumed it was because it was high-traffic and learned to live with it, though it can be a bit irritating at times. Of course, I won't complain if anyone has a solution.
I have had similar experiences. In my instance, GWG may take over 2 minutes to load, and even time out sometimes. I blame it on the ads, but I don't know what the true problem is.