Commission - Open: GeminiJuSa Commissions
I'm glad to surprise you positively ^^ I hope to do so with all my commissioners, but one can not always be so lucky :/
The lower one is the "real" deal, but you can have both for the price of one. The one where he says "I'm a true sin" is just a goof because he looks a bit full of confidence enough to be awesome, and know it. :P
The lower one is the "real" deal, but you can have both for the price of one. The one where he says "I'm a true sin" is just a goof because he looks a bit full of confidence enough to be awesome, and know it. :P
Erik Fox
I hope your commissions are still open, because I would love to get in line for one. I saw you prefer males, so I will start with my Necro, and later on if you're still open I will get in line with my female character.
I like to color on my own, so I would like the lineart if you don't mind.
He is rather somber and focused on his work: he mainly works as a MM or Curses, so he definitely likes the grim and grisly side of things. As for the pose, I would like something along the lines of this... without the silhouette of course :P Imagine him in that pose staring down at the lands before him... surveying where he should wander to next.
You can choose waist up or full body, I don't really mind. I am thinking along the ranges of 30-50k plus tip, so let that influence how you want to do the comm. PM me if you have any questions. Here are my reference pictures with the staff I would like:

I like to color on my own, so I would like the lineart if you don't mind.
He is rather somber and focused on his work: he mainly works as a MM or Curses, so he definitely likes the grim and grisly side of things. As for the pose, I would like something along the lines of this... without the silhouette of course :P Imagine him in that pose staring down at the lands before him... surveying where he should wander to next.
You can choose waist up or full body, I don't really mind. I am thinking along the ranges of 30-50k plus tip, so let that influence how you want to do the comm. PM me if you have any questions. Here are my reference pictures with the staff I would like:

I still do normal commissions 
I just have a sale on the traditional work as it is what I mainly feel like doing right now. You want a traditional lineart scanned and edited up in photoshop I assume?
I'm gonna put you on an extra spot since Flying Ninja Monk hasn't put up the info and refs yet. So if I feel like drawing and he still hasn't put it up, I will do yours before his.
WIP on Shadeblade's commission:

I just have a sale on the traditional work as it is what I mainly feel like doing right now. You want a traditional lineart scanned and edited up in photoshop I assume?

I'm gonna put you on an extra spot since Flying Ninja Monk hasn't put up the info and refs yet. So if I feel like drawing and he still hasn't put it up, I will do yours before his.

WIP on Shadeblade's commission:

I was thinking that the darker parts would be cut out to make the sign. Might widen the final too to make the sign wider and thinner.
Just wanted to know if the pose and concept were to your liking?
Erik Fox
Yes, a traditional lineart. I suck at drawing but coloring something is really fun for me
I'm so excited!

From shadeblade47: (Sorry still banned lol). He says "looks amazing, do you think it might look better if the mouth was actually twisted from the helmet part covering the mouth? in my head i was kind of thinking of it as twisted possibly living armor. idk but looks awesome!"
From me:
Man this is really making me want a drawing. If I submit an application or whatever it's called. Would you be able to make me one?
I think your work is REALLY amazing.
From me:
Man this is really making me want a drawing. If I submit an application or whatever it's called. Would you be able to make me one?
I think your work is REALLY amazing.
@shadeblade47: I'm gonna see if I can make that real for you. I think I understand what you mean, I hope :X
@xhollisterloveex: Yes, post some references, in the highest in game quality you can for best result. If you want a shot at full body, I recommend that you include the shoes. :P
Thank you for liking what I do ^^
@Erik Fox: Colouring is an artform in itself. I'm constantly working on developing my colouring skills.
@xhollisterloveex: Yes, post some references, in the highest in game quality you can for best result. If you want a shot at full body, I recommend that you include the shoes. :P
Thank you for liking what I do ^^
@Erik Fox: Colouring is an artform in itself. I'm constantly working on developing my colouring skills.
Charlie Dayman
Obsidian armor looks pretty evil with that grill.
Well charile, then I believe I have succeeded 
Got a pretty nice new idea for the mouthpiece, hopefully to the commissioner's liking.

Got a pretty nice new idea for the mouthpiece, hopefully to the commissioner's liking.
ahhh nvm i don't know what i want yet. i'm so indecisive:/ i added pics but then edited this msg like 50 times. i'll get back to you soon!
Feel free to take your time hollister ^^ No rush here

hey been unbanned a few days and yea as my friend posted for me i love how it looks so far
basically i have an extremely active imagination so thats why im being so critical, it looks awesome but i would feel like crap if you put a lot of work into it and i just pretended it was exactly what i thought when the only thing bugging me is a single thing. youre extremely talented and its awesome so far. if you want to kind of get in on my mindset as to what im thinking you can look up 'hollow ichigo' on google images and youll see what im kind of basing it around. basically my idea is stemming from a character in my favorite show, bleach, and im just kind of intertwining it with gw. sorry if im being a big pain in the ass but thanks again

Thank you so much for your kind words ^^ The reason why I haven't progressed any on the pic is that I've had a bit of a health issue lately, in combination with bad drawing days (it's like bas hair days, but for artists X_X Nothing goes as you want it to) so that's why it's a bit slow.
And I appreciate your honesty! I hate it when people only pretend to like the things I do. It's hollow happiness and you get really srapped down to earth when you find out.
The WIP you saw is a bit more than an hours worth of drawing, so a rough sketch with colours. So far, not a lot of work. Especially since I'm gonna experiment a bit with how I colour it (to develop a bit as an artist). I hope you're fine with it. If all looks well, I might go lineless on it >:3 If you're ok with it that is.
And I appreciate your honesty! I hate it when people only pretend to like the things I do. It's hollow happiness and you get really srapped down to earth when you find out.
The WIP you saw is a bit more than an hours worth of drawing, so a rough sketch with colours. So far, not a lot of work. Especially since I'm gonna experiment a bit with how I colour it (to develop a bit as an artist). I hope you're fine with it. If all looks well, I might go lineless on it >:3 If you're ok with it that is.
I hope you are better soon Gemini
thats fine with me w/e you want :P tyvm and hope youre better soon
*hugs* Get well soon. Don't stress yourself too much.
Aww, thank you all ^^ I'm doing my best to get better soon. :3 Almost good enough to draw again. ^^
I am not dead, I have not forgotten you all! I've just not managed to get
back on my feet yet (damn fevers!) and I'm taking the weekend "off" to
enjoy the New Year in game.

Have a pleasant Canthan New Year!
//Gemini, the Spammer of own threads.
back on my feet yet (damn fevers!) and I'm taking the weekend "off" to
enjoy the New Year in game.

Have a pleasant Canthan New Year!
//Gemini, the Spammer of own threads.
Thistle Xandra
sorry to hear your still sick!
That's a lovely pic! I really like your shading and the glow from the lamp
Enjoy the weekend
If you stop by Shing Jea Boardwalk aed42, you can say hi to my little afk monk :O After being online for 28 hours, the game is concerned about me and thinks I should take a break D:

That's a lovely pic! I really like your shading and the glow from the lamp

Enjoy the weekend

Yeah, being sick a lot kinda sucks, so I've gotta get better sooner! :O
Thank you. For some reason the lighting didn't turn out as I wanted, but I guess this is better than not trying :P
I'll see if I can find you! Might head to bed now though. But, TOMORROW! Tomorrow is another day!
Thank you. For some reason the lighting didn't turn out as I wanted, but I guess this is better than not trying :P
I'll see if I can find you! Might head to bed now though. But, TOMORROW! Tomorrow is another day!
Erik Fox
Glad to see you are back in action; enjoy the New Year

Eastern Magik
ooh, that pose is really lovely, i think it suits your character personality really well.
Get better soon *hug*
Get better soon *hug*
I love that drawing Gem! What dress is she wearing? The wedding thing? *wants it for her mesmer*
I hope you feel better soon. Can't wait to see more!
I hope you feel better soon. Can't wait to see more!
@Erik: Once the new year is over, I'm hoping to be starting on your commission 
@Magik: She's such a poser my Gemini X_X But I like her like that :P My necro isn't as poser happy, but I draw her anyway mwahaha! ;P
@Raven: Yup, it's the wedding dress. The one you can't dye. There's one more or less identic along with it that you can dye though, but Gemini seems to like the white one... *sings on "White wedding" but with altered lyrics; "Hey little Gemini, what have you done? Hey little Gemini Who's the only one?"*
It's my first time drawing her in it though :S And the ele boobs (on the actual game mesh) looks like they're trying to escape when she's wearing it though T_T;
I was thinking of doing more in game pics later when I've finished off my commissions, to practice backgrounds some more. :3

@Magik: She's such a poser my Gemini X_X But I like her like that :P My necro isn't as poser happy, but I draw her anyway mwahaha! ;P
@Raven: Yup, it's the wedding dress. The one you can't dye. There's one more or less identic along with it that you can dye though, but Gemini seems to like the white one... *sings on "White wedding" but with altered lyrics; "Hey little Gemini, what have you done? Hey little Gemini Who's the only one?"*
It's my first time drawing her in it though :S And the ele boobs (on the actual game mesh) looks like they're trying to escape when she's wearing it though T_T;
I was thinking of doing more in game pics later when I've finished off my commissions, to practice backgrounds some more. :3
We've been pm'ing about this, and I figured that no matter what the answer to the question is, I'll be able to get enough anyway ^^ So yeah, feel free to deny this commishion if you want to, as it's not one thats part of the sale =]
Charakters Name: Nakashima
Age: 23
Profession: Elementalist
Personality: Strong, outgoing, feels a strong urge to protect those that she loves. She wont back down when things gets hard, and her enemies are afraid of her. At the same time, her friends simply love her because she's very kind towards those that she calls her friends, she's a very generous and friendly person.

Charakters Name: Nakashima
Age: 23
Profession: Elementalist
Personality: Strong, outgoing, feels a strong urge to protect those that she loves. She wont back down when things gets hard, and her enemies are afraid of her. At the same time, her friends simply love her because she's very kind towards those that she calls her friends, she's a very generous and friendly person.

I'd like a full body, full colour, art of her, waiting time isnt a big deal, as we've discussed in a PM. Pose doesnt matter to me, from what I've seen, you can make up poses a lot better than I can

Of course I won't deny your commission. ^^ I put you on a special spot too.
Will probably get my hiny on to drawing again tomorrow or the day after.
Will probably get my hiny on to drawing again tomorrow or the day after.
Great work, I would love a commission. The thread status is open, but I'd like to make sure you are taking requests before I post screenshots.

I do still take commissions, thought my designated spots are taken, so the waiting list is a while, if you're fine with that you can post screens

Hey was just wondering if there's been any progress on mine, if you haven't been drawing, or if I got pushed back in line. Just asking because I haven't heard anything in about 3 weeks.

I haven't really been drawing, there have been a lot of stuff in the way, you've got your spot still.
The only time I've had to draw this week was during a 10h power cut, but I didn't have the refs then so I couldn't even do the sketch commissions.
The only time I've had to draw this week was during a 10h power cut, but I didn't have the refs then so I couldn't even do the sketch commissions.
Ok not a problem, just double checking to see whats going on.

` Marshmallow
WAO :33 I luffles the canthan new year piccy ; o; -envy- its so pretty... ~ -grabby hands-
Gonna go livestream on a new sketch on Shadeblade's commission in 3... 2... 1...
@Marsh: Awh, thank you
Comming from you it makes me a bit extra happy as you are the queen of pretty and cute to me ^^
Livestream is OFFLINE.
@Raven: I constantly run several styles, because I want to be very versatile in my art. When I run out of commissions, I could do some drawings in my other "comical" styles for the lulz?
It's always good to explore several styles. Because one day you'll just stumble upon the one that you feel at home with.
I love your comical styles too. Sometimes I doodle characters in chibi form as well but they're never good enough so they just stay in my sketch pad
@Marsh: Awh, thank you

Livestream is OFFLINE.
awesome and yea that's more of what i was looking for on the mouth
looking great.

I'm glad you like it. I'll keep working on that one then

Name: Apostasy's Angel
Age: 32
Personality & stuff: Angel has fine taste in style as you can tell from his sexy armor and Tengu shield. He is very helpful, using his imbalanced Paragon skills to run his guildies through the most difficult spots. Confident. I cannot say he has no fear, but he is sure to never show fear in order to keep his party members motivated. He explores the world with his pet spider, Veronica (and of course his partner Acolyte Jin who also has a spider). He likes to PvP in both Guild Battles and the Hall of Heroes.
Pose (I will take it into consideration): Something confident and exciting.
Why you should draw Angel: OMG have you seen the reference pics? He is hot!
I have never sought out an artist to draw my characters before, but I am quite fond of them and would like something fun to remember them by once GW2 comes and I don't play GW1 any more. We have had such grand times together! I noticed in your description you stated "Male characters are encouraged" and most artists seem to prefer females so this is what made me decide to apply. I see you have a sale going for sketches, but if you are inspired and want to do something more please do what you want and I will pay what you ask.
Reference pics:
Back (I forgot this one so I took the wiki example. Same haircut but different color):
In fact, the wiki has better resolution armor for each pose so you may want to look at all of them.
Ready for action:
Fun action poses:
Thank you for the consideration!
Age: 32
Personality & stuff: Angel has fine taste in style as you can tell from his sexy armor and Tengu shield. He is very helpful, using his imbalanced Paragon skills to run his guildies through the most difficult spots. Confident. I cannot say he has no fear, but he is sure to never show fear in order to keep his party members motivated. He explores the world with his pet spider, Veronica (and of course his partner Acolyte Jin who also has a spider). He likes to PvP in both Guild Battles and the Hall of Heroes.
Pose (I will take it into consideration): Something confident and exciting.
Why you should draw Angel: OMG have you seen the reference pics? He is hot!

Reference pics:
Back (I forgot this one so I took the wiki example. Same haircut but different color):
In fact, the wiki has better resolution armor for each pose so you may want to look at all of them.
Ready for action:
Fun action poses:
Thank you for the consideration!
Originally Posted by GeminiJuSa

@Avai: I'll put you on the waiting list then. Thank you for choosing me to create your first commission.
I'll go out on a limb and assume you'd prefer to get a semi-realistic style for your hunk of Paragon? 
@Raven: I constantly run several styles, because I want to be very versatile in my art. When I run out of commissions, I could do some drawings in my other "comical" styles for the lulz?
I would have to admit I'm a bit inspired by Charlie right now when I drew the warrior. I'm also under a lot of other influence right now as I've been reading and watching all of the other nice tutorials linked here in Nolani and some I've be recommended by a friend of mine, so I'm hoping for some development in style and art. :3

@Raven: I constantly run several styles, because I want to be very versatile in my art. When I run out of commissions, I could do some drawings in my other "comical" styles for the lulz?
I would have to admit I'm a bit inspired by Charlie right now when I drew the warrior. I'm also under a lot of other influence right now as I've been reading and watching all of the other nice tutorials linked here in Nolani and some I've be recommended by a friend of mine, so I'm hoping for some development in style and art. :3
I really like what I've seen you do so far. Semi-realistic would be ok, as would probably anything else you want to do. Well, I guess I would prefer to avoid the style where the head is really gigantic compared to the rest of the body. I don't really know what the different styles are, but I am sure whatever you do will be lovely.

The WIP of the warrior looks great! I know where the person got the idea from hehe, bleach is an amazing anime =] You managed to capture the idea perfectly imho ^^
Also love how the obbi shards sticking out from his helmet look like horns! suits the rest so well!
Also love how the obbi shards sticking out from his helmet look like horns! suits the rest so well!
Originally Posted by GeminiJuSa

I love your comical styles too. Sometimes I doodle characters in chibi form as well but they're never good enough so they just stay in my sketch pad
