PC on some weapons and mods please


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2008


Sword Of Justice


Hale Staff Head: Health +29
Dagger Handle of Fortitude: Health +29
Shield Handle of Devotion: Health +44 (while ench)
Cruel Dagger Tang
Insightful Staff Head: Energy +5
Wand wrapping of Memory: 20%
Staff wrapping of Deathbane: 19%
Barbed Bowstring

"Too much information": 15%
"I am sorrow": energy +7
"Swift as the wind"
"Master of my domain" 19%

Jade Staff: rq10 Domination; Halves recharge of spells 20%; Halves casting Blood magic 20%; uninscrip
Jade Staff: rq9 Divine Favor; Halves recharge of spells 20%; Reduces blind 20%; uninscrip
Evil Eye Staff: rq9 Curses; Halves recharge of spells 20%; Halves casting Blood magic 20%; inscribable
Water Wand: rq 9 Water; inscribable
Hooked Daggers: rq9 Dagger Mastery; Damage +15% while in stance; uniscrip
Lotus Shield: rq9 Strength; inscribable
Emblazoned Defender: rq 10 Tactics; Physical damage -2 while enchanted; uninscrip
Idol: rq9 Blood; Armor +5 while enchanted; uninscrip
Earth Wand: rq9 Earth; Energy +4 while enchanted; uninscrip