I just want to make sure what the price EXACTLY is atm on these pets
because I know already there is thread posted in this section but I've looked up on the net and the price isn't the same.
charr shaman
necrid horseman
Thanks in advance!
PC on a several Pets (I know there's a thread here)
Luke D
Well, there's never an "exact" price for anything; it's worth what a buyer and seller are willing to pay or accept for it, respectively.
That said, I've been spamming to sell a temple guardian and whiptail devourer (among others) from b-day presents about 5 minutes each time I log on. I haven't had any takers for 1k each yet, and they're both undedicated.
If yours are dedicated, then those two aren't even worth selling.
That said, I've been spamming to sell a temple guardian and whiptail devourer (among others) from b-day presents about 5 minutes each time I log on. I haven't had any takers for 1k each yet, and they're both undedicated.
If yours are dedicated, then those two aren't even worth selling.
none of them are dedicated
simian is ~8k if someone needs it for hom, the other ones are 1k tops, but they're flooding the market so much it's hard to sell them 1k each anyway, try ~700g.
Total Lockdown
simian 5-8K
All first yr whites are 500g-1K (Giveaways)
All first yr whites are 500g-1K (Giveaways)