I see alot of runner every where with the same poeple, its like viki and master of wesp and another person or like olias and master and razah and i want to start doing runs so what heros should i use and what builds should i get for them
prey monkie
well. depends on the run ofcourse so. what do u wanna run? missions or dungeons? (dungeons more money imo
^^). post the run u wanna do. than go to pvx look if there are builds there. than look the run op @ youtube. and than come back to gwg

Kotetsu Rain
Originally Posted by prey monkie

well. depends on the run ofcourse so. what do u wanna run? missions or dungeons? (dungeons more money imo
^^). post the run u wanna do. than go to pvx look if there are builds there. than look the run op @ youtube. and than come back to gwg
Don't forget about running to Outposts, that's also an option.

Eragon Zarroc
yeah, what are u wanting to run? O_o
Archress Shayleigh
Ever heard of grammar?
Anyway, be more specific, I can't really understand your problem.
Anyway, be more specific, I can't really understand your problem.
Judging by your post I would suggest learning the game further before attepting to do runs.
If you really want to try, then you need to be more specific with your questions, a vague question will only recieve a vague answer.
If you really want to try, then you need to be more specific with your questions, a vague question will only recieve a vague answer.
oh sorry i dont have Eotn so i will just do missions and i am doing more in the night fall campgian
i beat all three campaigns in nm and i did hm in nightfall
If your not sure what heroes to use than you probably dont have enough in game knowledge to do runs (or at least charge for them).