Last I checked we were around r700 or something equally terrible. We're mostly bad. We like to run around the map and put damage on the lord, because it's slightly more interesting than hexes or paragon. We run variants of honorbalance or run-around-the-map midline.
Currently looking for a core ranger, but an extra midline and backline wouldn't go astray. We have a frontline overload, so don't bother applying for that.
Starting to get sick of even worse players than we are, so I'm going to impose either g3+, r6+ or equivalent. If you have a strong guild history (and proof thereof) then requirements may be forgone. You need to have an idea of what you're doing in terms of your class and the gvg match as a whole. Ranger needs to have initiative, backline needs to know how to follow damage. If you know you don't meet any of these requirements, please save both me and yourself time and don't apply.
You need to have vent, a mic, and you need to use both. None of us are particularly ragey, we will happily tolerate most mistakes once in a while, but the one intolerable mistake is not talking.
Either throw me a pm on here or ingame. IGN is in info to the left.
Team Awesome LF American Ranger and More!