1f JOO K4n R34d 7h1z joO R l337, PHor Wh473v3r 7h@ m4Y 83 WOR7h.
Also 1337 Skillz (7) without Sync.
Sword Hammer Axe
You just know.
Being leet means you don't act leet. You don't talk it text chat. You actually have sound advice that can help new players. You know all the skills in the game. Understand all the professions roles. You are a helpful benefit to any team you are on. You can run unoptimal stuff and still steam roll through the game, and even then your teammates won't notice because you are doing so well. |
Mustache Mayhem
Lord Bleyz
3) On off times when BleyzWay was not being run, we wanted a build that was easy to form up and jump in Tombs just to have fun with, a build dubbed Berserk. That build turned later turned into IWAY a build that is still popular and run in Halls today. Proof
Sword Hammer Axe
bitchbar player
Ghost Dog
i believe leaving a mark in the world/game through innovation, cleaver tactics in pve/pvp, or by inspiring and including others in your challenges to clear the dungeons the fastest etc. Makes you "leet"!
Here are some of my in game achievements: 1) my first week playing my warrior i ran to droknar's forge through lorners pass with a w/mo build i thought of. Having done so successfully i capatizled on the fact that i had no competition and earned my first 1000 plat 6 days later. 2) i formed the guild the highlords [thl] we decided to try out pvp ended up in tombs with no idea of the current meta. After our first experience i decided to read up on every skill description tested a few combination's and came up with the build i'll call bleyzway, although it never had a name. It's core skills were greater conflag + winter and mantra of frost combined with massive energy denial. With this build and tactics called out over vent we held halls for 10 hours and on burial mounds we once had all 5 other teams rush us and we defeated them all. There were other similiar spirit spam builds out in use but none quite like ours! Anets response, nerfed every skill skill we had in our build and changed the way spirits work. 3) on off times when bleyzway was not being run, we wanted a build that was easy to form up and jump in tombs just to have fun with, a build dubbed berserk. That build turned later turned into iway a build that is still popular and run in halls today. proof 4) uwsc!! No i didn't create it but i posted a build that i took part in creating with my guild [dth] and friends on these very forums. With that post i invited the rest of gw's to join us in trying to achieve incredible times. What it grew into i can hardly imagine as sin's took place of obs terra's and the whole build changed but the core concept of including others, pugs, into speed clears grew and i'm glad i had a part in that! link to the build! |
What really makes u "leet" |
Martin Alvito
Sha Noran
Malice Black
Lord Bleyz
I hate to burst your bubble, but IWAY was "invented" back in beta, by Izzy. The original build was 8 hammer warriors, and the theory was entirely the same: Melee heavy pressure build focused on using pet bodies to fuel "I Will Avenge You!" for healing and stacking the IAS with stances. 8 hammers with stacked IAS and mass knockdowns was pretty fearsome, though the metagame forced it to change pretty quickly.
They started bringing sword warriors for Hamstring, then Eviscerate became dominant. Necros with Orders were added pretty quickly, one to begin with and then a second with Offering of Blood some more healing power. Trappers came later to counter other IWAY teams, and so you could do more than just farm Burial Mounds. That's pretty much when my interest in tombs died, and I'm sure there's been even more ridiculous incarnations with paragons and rits since. What really makes you leet? Knowing your history. [EDIT: You certainly weren't responsible for the spirit spam nerf, either.] [EDIT2: Izzy also invented Thumpers, if you want something else to blame on him.] |
I did not play in Beta and was unaware of Izzy's builds, but I do remember seeing the White Mantle Ritulist (orders necro) and IWAY Warriors in prophicies. So I'll just go ahead and believe you about Izzy doing it first, seeing as he's a dev he wins at Guild Wars GG...
As far as creating IWAY no I didn't do that, nor was I claiming that. In fact what we ran was Berserk which consisted of Tigers Fury Axe Warriors with pets and 55 orders necros. The pets were there to add to confusion and mask the fact that orders necs were sitting at spawn casting. This build was not carefully put together it was created to include people who lacked the ability to play more complicated builds. Berserk was only run by a dozen or so times and only once did a guild member have IWAY on his bar. Come to think of it there probably were a few pugs in our group that run. Despite that we never took halls with that build. You see there was this guild called Sissy Boys who hosted a very large vent sever and invited pvp orientated guilds so there would be a large pool of pvp players to choose as pugs. My guild at the time The Highlords [tHL] had a channel. When we lacked people to play tombs we invited pugs along from SB vent to play Berserk or N-Bombs. From what I remember it was the guild Digital Gangsters[dgs] or maybe Angry Bussiness Men [AB] first took halls with a Berserk like IWAY Build(yes I'm refering to POST beta builds of IWAY). And yes we played with several pugs from DGS and AB so it's possible that they took much of their build from Berserk. But who knows maybe Izzy played with them at one point and gave them the idea. The fact remains Berserk was created prior to 08/13/2005 http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...&q=guild+wars# IWAY became popular a few months after. The guild [MATH] created a video dedicated to [tHL] Link to post http://guildwars.incgamers.com/showthread.php?t=377889 *file hosting site deleted movie but I think I can dig up a copy* As far as me boasting, I was intoxicated to say the least. What's up Martin, thanks for chiming in |
Oh yeah, and owning this staff:
Which I do. Thread still over. |
If you run down into the mobs and wipe 'em out instead of using the catapults in the Ft. Ranick mission, you're l33t. If you do it solo, you're uber-l33t.
Sword Hammer Axe
Please excuse my horrible grammer
Ladys and Gentlemen there is a pandemic hitting guildwars. Its a horrible disease stricking guildwars players everywhere... Players, from all walks of life, are being striken with this horrible disease. The common syptoms begin with a urge to purchase so called ``Rare`` items and armour. With in game money purchased from websites. Followed by a complete lack of sense saying things like. `Noob ive been playing since Beta` or `Im the one who came up with IWAY` Then the disease really starts to rear its ugly head....... The player begins having a sense of accomplishment over doing nothing. The player insists he is the best player in the game wether PvP or Pve, Taking credit for all builds found on Wiki......trolling all fan forums... Buying FOW armour, a mask of mo zing for a monk then dye`n it all black...followed by paying a run through the whole game. Please if you see these players do not party with them this is very infectious... Be aware and get your vaccination. Please add other symptoms if you have noticed any.....we need this to stop |
Thom Bangalter
@Bleyz: Fair enough, I do remember tHL being around at that time. I'd forgotten how prominent you guys were back then, and I do recall seeing you on sB vent.
I have no idea who Brother Mhenlo is/was, other than a fairly bad henchman. I had a Fleshweaver (OoB Boon Prot days) customised by WM Berry, which was pretty amazing. |
Malice Black
Please excuse my horrible grammer
Ladys and Gentlemen there is a pandemic hitting guildwars. Its a horrible disease stricking guildwars players everywhere... Players, from all walks of life, are being striken with this horrible disease. The common syptoms begin with a urge to purchase so called ``Rare`` items and armour. With in game money purchased from websites. Followed by a complete lack of sense saying things like. `Noob ive been playing since Beta` or `Im the one who came up with IWAY` Then the disease really starts to rear its ugly head....... The player begins having a sense of accomplishment over doing nothing. The player insists he is the best player in the game wether PvP or Pve, Taking credit for all builds found on Wiki......trolling all fan forums... Buying FOW armour, a mask of mo zing for a monk then dye`n it all black...followed by paying a run through the whole game. Please if you see these players do not party with them this is very infectious... Be aware and get your vaccination. Please add other symptoms if you have noticed any.....we need this to stop |