celestial axe - req9, inscribable
dual gothic axe - req10, +15/-5e - oldschool
adamantum shield - req9 tactics, inscribable
bronze shield - req9 tactics, inscribable
I'm pretty sure, that the shields are the ~3k cathegory...
Mods please close my other PC threads
thx in advance
PC on a few gold items
Sir Cusfreak
the bronze shield should do better than 3...more like 5-10 shouldnt be hard to get.
r10 15/-5 goth isnt gonna bring much, merch or less than 5k imo
the celestial axe 10-15 imo
r10 15/-5 goth isnt gonna bring much, merch or less than 5k imo
the celestial axe 10-15 imo
King Bannian
bronze shield ~5k
celestial axe ~15k
gothic dual should sell for 5k. put in sll thread 1k s/b, 5k b/o
adamant 1-3k
King Vesica XLL
celestial axe ~15k
gothic dual should sell for 5k. put in sll thread 1k s/b, 5k b/o
adamant 1-3k
King Vesica XLL