I had SP3 before and I was downloading a demo for a game over night and when I restart my computer the next morning, my iTunes gets a problem saying iTunes requires XP SP2 or higher.
I went to the start menu and right clicked My computer then went to properties (i dont have it on desktop :P) and it says i have Microsoft XP Professional 2002 Service Pack 1Đ!.
I went to the microsoft website and downloaded that sp3 package and installed it, it said I had sp3 now. I restarted my computer again and it went back to SP 1Đ. I have no clue whats happening.
Any ideas?
Reverting to SP1 Problem
Maybe a backstep to before the problem occurred
Bob Slydell
Try installing SP2. SP3 was a boatload of fail and not a lot of people I know (including me) use it. In fact.. I can't even install it and never have been able to.
Sp3 seemed to make my computer better, faster and more responsive. but to fix this I would say reformat
if i remember right sp3 was more for security internet wise than any xp performance but as long as you have working anti-virus and firewall you shouldnt need it