Pc on odd sword

Mercenary Team

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2009

Columbia, MD

Dumbledore's Army (DA)


I got this sword in a drop in Nightfall called a Fiery Gladius. It has 15-22 damage, no inherent mods, nothing special, except that it deals fire damage instead of slashing damage. I google searched it and it is a rare weapon. About how much would it be worth?

Sir Cusfreak

Sir Cusfreak

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2007

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its not special or odd.

no inscription slot? merch it.


ok - when You said no inherent modifiers I assumed no isnc. no nightfall weapon has 'inherent' mods.

they arent rare, and that thread has a date of January 2008 on it. 2 years later, the price on this has dropped considerably.

Whats the req on your sword?

req 11 purple = merch or check out how cool Koss looks holding it and trying to keep from torching the 'Fro.
in any case, it isnt worth money.
GL & Happy Hunting

Mercenary Team

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2009

Columbia, MD

Dumbledore's Army (DA)


It does have an insription slot. As for it's rarity, its listed here http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10081342. Would this guide be accurate?

Its requirement 11, purple, with a pommel of shelter.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007




R11 purple is merch food imo.

King Bannian

King Bannian

soarer of the stars

Join Date: Oct 2009

Ontario, Canada

someone might pay 1k for fiery gladius skin..
but you're likely better off saving yourself the time, and merching it.