I would like to suggest posting information about the official wiki's feedback section in one of the sticky threads, probably this one, in the Sardelac Sanitarium subforum, since we know that for legal reasons or whatnot that it is one place where the developers are allowed to look. For all I know, posting a suggestion here on Guru may invalidate any possibility of future action of the ideas presented.
Users (those who actually read the sticky threads...) may then be made aware of ANet's official place to contribute suggestions directly. I'll refrain from comment on the issue of whether or not Sardelac continues to be relevant, but providing information to those who wish to contribute and are not aware of the feedback section of the wiki would seem to benefit the purpose of the suggestion subforum of this site.
Post a link and information about ANet's feedback section in Sardelac.
You know MisterB, I know we did this on GuildWars2Guru.com and just missed that we had forgotten here. We'll put up the same announcement. Thanks for the heads up!