Good Greens to Farm this Weekend?
Hi guys, I am planning to farm greens this weekend, and I don't know any popular ones to farm. Any one know any bosses that drop good greens? Thanks guys and good luck on your farming!
Good greens? Isn't that an oxymoron nowadays? On a serious note though, I think the only greens worthwhile is the greens you get from Duncan's end chest and Frostmaw's Burrows. Having said that though, those greens aren't a boss drop but rather an end chest item
Neo Nugget
Would you be planning on using or selling the greens you get?
Divine Ashes
Then we probably should know what heroes you plan on using...and their bars >_>
Just check the wiki for the list of greens check their stats of the greens against your requirements.
Then its just a question of deciding whether you want + health + energy or to have your skills recharge and cast faster.
I did this to get load of staffs and bows for my characters then when I got Nightfall I used the buried treasures that you can revisit to stock up my heroes.
Fastest way is if you have access to the bonus items then you can stock all your heroes with no effort at all.
Then its just a question of deciding whether you want + health + energy or to have your skills recharge and cast faster.
I did this to get load of staffs and bows for my characters then when I got Nightfall I used the buried treasures that you can revisit to stock up my heroes.
Fastest way is if you have access to the bonus items then you can stock all your heroes with no effort at all.
Azure Requiem
Woe spreader, Ssyn's Staff, Chaelse's Staff. Asterius' Scythe.
Off the top of my head those came to mind.
Off the top of my head those came to mind.
Shayne Hawke
Good greens |
Doing my normal Forge heart run.
Then my normal trickers-icebloods-bloodburner-chaelse's run
Then my normal trickers-icebloods-bloodburner-chaelse's run
Voodoo Rage
This is the only place i would spend time to farm greens.
not necessarily in this order
Now i know there are others BUT these are fast easy and good drop rates in the passed for me.
Thanks where ill be knockin around if i feel inclined.
not necessarily in this order
Now i know there are others BUT these are fast easy and good drop rates in the passed for me.
Thanks where ill be knockin around if i feel inclined.
Ahh come on folks! Everybody seems to be cutting greens to death. 
They're not as bad as some would have you believe:
1. They can be very useful for heroes
2. You're not temepted to mod them, cos it don't work
3. Some of the best greens are an excellent addition to your arsenal
(Galigord's staff springs to mind here)
4. And they all have perfect stats, albeit a somewhat weird combination at times
Greens are still worth farming, but no longer really commercially viable.
The reason is the introduction of EotN w. loads of lovely R.9 gold things dropping from chests even in NM..... Still a bit of fun to see if you can get that boss to drop

They're not as bad as some would have you believe:
1. They can be very useful for heroes
2. You're not temepted to mod them, cos it don't work
3. Some of the best greens are an excellent addition to your arsenal
(Galigord's staff springs to mind here)
4. And they all have perfect stats, albeit a somewhat weird combination at times
Greens are still worth farming, but no longer really commercially viable.
The reason is the introduction of EotN w. loads of lovely R.9 gold things dropping from chests even in NM..... Still a bit of fun to see if you can get that boss to drop


Seriously though, on these weekends I usually check the unique items list on wiki and farm for the ones I think will best benefit my heroes

Seriously though, on these weekends I usually check the unique items list on wiki and farm for the ones I think will best benefit my heroes

Sorry to burst your bubble, but statement of widely accepted facts is not elitist.
Woe Spreader, Kephket, Galigord and Rago are my preferences. The run through Sorrow's Furnace is actually a pretty fun time waster anyway, with lots of greens you can try for on the way. Most of 'em are crap merch food, but it's still cool to see 'em drop.
Woe Spreader, Kephket, Galigord and Rago are my preferences. The run through Sorrow's Furnace is actually a pretty fun time waster anyway, with lots of greens you can try for on the way. Most of 'em are crap merch food, but it's still cool to see 'em drop.
Well since those greens are worthless i'll also probably get some for my heroes, and those will probably be:
~ Scar Eater
~ Exuro's Will
~ Ssyn's Staff
And some others when i'll check the stats on wiki
~ Scar Eater
~ Exuro's Will
~ Ssyn's Staff
And some others when i'll check the stats on wiki

widely accepted fact? that there are no good greens?
I do not accept that fact cause I believe good greens exist. I have greens on 90% of my heros. Ragos and Galigords are 2 of my favorites to.
I just don't really care for SF anymore.
I do not accept that fact cause I believe good greens exist. I have greens on 90% of my heros. Ragos and Galigords are 2 of my favorites to.

I would normally be on the "there are good greens" side but... now that you can get any gold skin you want, any req you want, etc. ... it's hard to call.
Riot Narita
I'll often put Kepkhet's Refuge on prot monk heroes, and The Nightbringer on MM heroes
Both pretty easy solo runs, I got myself a couple of spares of each yesterday. Kepkhet dropped two of her staff on the first run. Got one Nightbringer after 3 runs (sprint from Moddock Crevice past everything... kill one group of frogs outside fort, then trigger the popup group with the boss), then a second Nightbringer after another 10 or so runs.
Both pretty easy solo runs, I got myself a couple of spares of each yesterday. Kepkhet dropped two of her staff on the first run. Got one Nightbringer after 3 runs (sprint from Moddock Crevice past everything... kill one group of frogs outside fort, then trigger the popup group with the boss), then a second Nightbringer after another 10 or so runs.
Ahh come on folks! Everybody seems to be cutting greens to death.
![]() They're not as bad as some would have you believe: 1. They can be very useful for heroes 2. You're not temepted to mod them, cos it don't work 3. Some of the best greens are an excellent addition to your arsenal (Galigord's staff springs to mind here) 4. And they all have perfect stats, albeit a somewhat weird combination at times Greens are still worth farming, but no longer really commercially viable. The reason is the introduction of EotN w. loads of lovely R.9 gold things dropping from chests even in NM..... Still a bit of fun to see if you can get that boss to drop ![]() |
very true and the good thing about this is the low price of many greens.
What's so wrong with them the stats are perfect ok you cannot mod them but so what, if they are the stats you want then no worries.
am i the only one in this thread who knows about the rarest green worth 50+ ectos?
guess so. ill be farmin it.
guess so. ill be farmin it.
+1 post.
There are plenty of great greens out there. They're for functionality, not aesthetic. Of course, all of this has been said before. The Unique list on either of the wikis are a great place to start to find what suits your fancy, be it heroes or self equipment.
If you're looking into the most desired trends in greens, look to Asterius' Scythe, Joffs' Focus, Totem Axe (always useful), Chaelse's Staff, Hajkor's Flame and the Yakslapper. Just to name a few.
There are plenty of great greens out there. They're for functionality, not aesthetic. Of course, all of this has been said before. The Unique list on either of the wikis are a great place to start to find what suits your fancy, be it heroes or self equipment.
If you're looking into the most desired trends in greens, look to Asterius' Scythe, Joffs' Focus, Totem Axe (always useful), Chaelse's Staff, Hajkor's Flame and the Yakslapper. Just to name a few.
Discord Staves!
Bredyss' Staff (curser)
Oola's Staff (resto)
Woe Spreader (mm)
Bredyss' Staff (curser)
Oola's Staff (resto)
Woe Spreader (mm)
And those are important why ?
How often do you look at your character worry about how it looks, for that matter how often do other players compliment you on your weapons or armour ?
The latest fantastic skin becomes old news very quickly and then everybody chases the new one.
I also happen to think that there are quite a few green items that have pretty good skins.
How often do you look at your character worry about how it looks, for that matter how often do other players compliment you on your weapons or armour ?
The latest fantastic skin becomes old news very quickly and then everybody chases the new one.
I also happen to think that there are quite a few green items that have pretty good skins.
Am I the only one that knows about the green that is worth 100ectos??? 
Guess I'll be farming it along with The Ice Breaker for major ectos.

Guess I'll be farming it along with The Ice Breaker for major ectos.
For the same reason nobody wears undyed 1k armor but wants to get elite armor and nice dyes. Looks are important to most if not all players.
Voodoo Rage
Sorry to burst your bubble, but statement of widely accepted facts is not elitist.
If I am looking for a particular weapon with particular stats, it doesn't matter one lick was color it is. Monsters die just the same. Half my toons run around with blue weps that I got off of collectors or from the Vasburg weapons gal. I am still shocked how many people are desperately looking for a 20k "Forget Me Not" inscription and not even remembering that 20/20 foci are readily available from very easily farmed collectors drops. (5 Dune Burrower Jaws = 20/20 death focus).
I farmed a bunch of Woe Spreaders and Ssynn's Staffs yesterday and dropped them for people during of Ruins of Morah runs. People were actually very appreciative.
I think when its all said and done its all about the heros for me. I grabbed all need weapons for my heros. Got them all set up exactly how i wanted them. this took me maybe 1 hour of farming. i got the 6 greens i wanted for heros and their value is probably 15k.
Then i spent a few hours farmin totem axe and got a total of 19 ofthem. thats 100k for my trouble. all things being equal, i got the ones i wanted and a pile of those i know i can unload in minutes in LA with a little spammin.
Boring weekend pretty meh for making gold BUT itll do for an off weekend.
Then i spent a few hours farmin totem axe and got a total of 19 ofthem. thats 100k for my trouble. all things being equal, i got the ones i wanted and a pile of those i know i can unload in minutes in LA with a little spammin.
Boring weekend pretty meh for making gold BUT itll do for an off weekend.
Riot Narita
Half my toons run around with blue weps that I got off of collectors or from the Vasburg weapons gal. I am still shocked how many people are desperately looking for a 20k "Forget Me Not" inscription and not even remembering that 20/20 foci are readily available from very easily farmed collectors drops. (5 Dune Burrower Jaws = 20/20 death focus).
I don't think the people looking for 20k forget me nots are buying it because they can't get a 20/20 focus... :|
QFT. Most of my chars/heroes use collectors weapons or greens. They're cheap and/or easily obtained, and as good as any other weapon... except for their vanity value. If people want vanity items I can understand that, it's part of the game, and something to play for. It's just not for me :-D

Plus i think Stonereaper and Zarnas wrath are good greens to farm bosses are pretty much next to each other and you can get 120 kurzick point each boss each run so that's nice
I don't think the people looking for 20k forget me nots are buying it because they can't get a 20/20 focus... :|
Personally I use collector/green items on heroes (they don't mind :P), not so much on my chars because greens are not dyeable - exception are greens that don't have gold-skinned version of them (drago's flatbow, exuro's will, staff of ruin, oola's wand, etc...) Some of those can still go for a good price to people that either collect such things or are simply interested in a unusual skin.
Best green to farm? Claws of the Broodmother of course xD </sarcasm>
Voodoo Rage
I don't think the people looking for 20k forget me nots are buying it because they can't get a 20/20 focus... :|
A little off track from this thread but IMO the easiest way to farm the 20/20 death focus is in the Elona Reach mission. If you enter the mission itself, immediately to the the right are two unprotected dune borrowers that can be taken down easily with just about any build. 20/20 WANDS are not available via collector trades so you can either get some of those as greens, Droknar's greens, blue crafted weapons in Vasburg Armory or Cavalon for 5k + materials, or just equipping a gold wep with the right mods (which aren't nearly as expensive as the ones for the focus).
Another nice one if you need a curses 20/20 focus is the Diamond Shaped Accursed Icon that you can trade Bleached Carapaces for (another easy farm in the desert). I like these because they are quite sizable for a focus and they can be dyed nicely.