Pc on outcast shield


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009

req 10 strenth outcast shield of fortitude +30


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Outcast Shields do not drop inscribable. Therefore, the PC depends on the inherent mod(s) of the shield. (You could edit your post above to specify for sure - don't reply with a new post, as that's an illegal bump if you post it within 24 hours of the OP.)

If what you have is a req 10 str Outcast Shield without even a single inherent mod, I'm afraid it's probably merch food. Perhaps you'd find someone that likes the skin to buy it for a couple k, but I doubt it would be easy.

If it had two useful/desirable inherent mods, it would probably get a lot of bids on a high end thread.