1)Echovald shield q10 tactics---->gold
+41(while in stance)
Armor +9(vs plants)
2)Echovald shield q12 tactics
Armor+8(vs ogres)
health+50(while hexed)-----> Purple
3) Echovald shield q12 strength
Health+56(while hexed)
Reduces Diseaze 20% ----->gold
4) Echovald Shield q11 tactics
-5(20%) -----gold
5)Amber Aegis q10 strength
+44(while enchanted)
-3(hexed) ------->gold
6)Amber Aegis q11 tactics
-5(20%) -------->gold
7) Amber Aegis q9 strength
-5(20%) ------->gold
8) Eternal Shield q8 Armor 15
Inscription:Strength of body 20% ----->Blue
9)Earth Scroll energy+12 q8
Inscription : Life is Pain ----->PUrple
10) Holy Branch q9 Divine
HCT of Divine 20%
Energy +5
Armor+7 (vs elemental damage) ----->gold Not inscrip
11) Zodiac Staff q10 blood
HCT 10% Energy+5 ,+30 hp staff wrapping Not inscrp--->gold
12)Plagueborn Focus Energy+12 q9 soul reaping
HCT 10%
HSR 10% ---->gold
13)Amber staff q10 Fire
HCT 10% ,+30hp, Ench 20% ---->gold
14)Amber Staff q9 Divine
HCT 20%, Ench 20%, HCT20% ----->gold
15)This one you must see it , is a bow from Uw ( i have it in my storage 2,5 years ago) is RARE beacuse of the mods almost Unconditional
ETERNAL BOW q9 Max Damage
hEALTH +30
Sorry for my english, if someone can help me with some prices i will apreciate the effort.Thanks for watching...and im waiting some PC on my weapons .
PC Echovald shields, Amber shields etc
Masacru Ak
bow is rare but that mod isn't especially wanted for bows
I would guess 25kish+
As for the shields, the single modded ones are pretty much merch.. in general
I would guess 25kish+
As for the shields, the single modded ones are pretty much merch.. in general
Masacru Ak
Bump bring my post up