hi, i would like to have a price check on a few golden weapons.
1. Scepter of the forgotten (gold)
r9 divine
2. Ebon Kaineng axe of enchantment
req: 9
enchantment last 20% longer
+5 energie (not inscriptable)
3. Zealous Kamas of fortitude
req 9
+30 hp
15^50 (not inscriptable)
4. suddering Fellblade of fortitude
req 10
15^50 inscr
5. Vampiric Serpent axe of fortitude
req 9
15^50 inscr
6. wooden buckler (might be crap)
16 armor req 9 tactics
+1 healing (20% chance)
7. sudering plagueborn recurve bow of fortitude
15^50 (in stance)
20/20 not inscr
pc on r9 golden weapons
The Female Necro
Sir Cusfreak
3. 50k or so
4. about 10k
6. merch
7. doubt it's worth much, stance mods are tough sell.
pull all the max mods with a perfect salvage kit & sell them separately.
get other opinions on the rest.
4. about 10k
6. merch
7. doubt it's worth much, stance mods are tough sell.
pull all the max mods with a perfect salvage kit & sell them separately.
get other opinions on the rest.
King Bannian
agreed with cusfreak.
be sure to salvage the 15^50, 20/20, and +30 mods off of fellblade.
the q10 insc skin should sell for 10k alone, mods sell respectively for about 1k, 3k, and 3k.
be sure to salvage the 15^50, 20/20, and +30 mods off of fellblade.
the q10 insc skin should sell for 10k alone, mods sell respectively for about 1k, 3k, and 3k.
The Female Necro
but all i need now is a price check on nr.2
but all i need now is a price check on nr.2