A few items where i would apreciate a PC


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2007



For greens we have:

1-Prismatic rod
req9 energy storage
HSR energy storage spells 20%
+5 energy ^50%

2-Focus of the master
offhand ... req9 Soul reaping +12 energy
+30 hp
HSR soul reaping spell

At gold side we have:

3-Brass spear of shelter
14-27 req9
+7 armor vs physical

4-Daedal shield of fortitude
ar16-req10 motivation
+30 hp
master of my domain inscription 19%

5-Zealous igneous maul of hammer mastery
zealous moded
hammer mastery19%

6-Insightfull Holy staff of warding
HSR spell 20%
req9 divine favor

7-Fiery dragon sword of warding
+7ar vs elemental

8- Adept protective staff of fortitude
req9 prot
HCT prot spells
inscriptions seize the day

9-Greater Dark scimitar
non moded

10-Salient sword of shelter(nice skin)
15-22 req12
+7 ar vs physical
inscription: Don't think twice (as the req is too high it is a cool skin to mod for caster)

11-Diamond aegis
req9 tactics
not moded
insctiption: Run for your life!

12-Crippling Hornbow of defense(cool skin)
15-28 req9
i have mods for this just choose beetween zealous/vampirific and 20% mastery/30hp

13-Tribal shield (are u wild? )
req9 motivation
non moded
inscription: The Ridle of steel

14- Insightfull shadow staff
HSR 20%
+10 energy
req9 inspiration
+5 energy

15-Fiery golden machete (cool skin to use as caster weapon)
non moded

thx for your time and help



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

Europe - H

Private Army of Ascalon [ARMY]


1-2: 3-5k - standard green price...
3: ~3k
4: I'd salvage and merch
5: ~3k
6: ~3k
7: ~5k
8: ~3k clean: salvage perf mods before sell
9: 1k max - raptor item: use it on hero, or giveaway
10: I'd just merch it
11: ~5k
12: what's the exact skin, and the damage mod?
13: skin?
14: 5-10k imo, but take other PC on that
15: merch