19 Nov 2009 at 05:50 - 3
Ok, right off the bat, sorry but most of what you listed is probably merch food due to being non-max or an inherent item with undesirable or non-max inherent mods, or undesirably high requirements.
I'm not bothering to check the mods, just pricing the skins. It's up to you to check and see if you're better off salvaging mods for sale separately.
1. inherent 20/10 r9 Inscribed Staff - maybe 3-5k if you can find a buyer. These aren't that uncommon or popular, so it could take you a while.
3. r12 insc. max Salient Daggers - Personally, I'd merch these. If you're willing, you might find someone to pay a couple plat for the skin. But it's not very hard to find lower req versions for sale cheap right now.
4. inherent 20/10 r9 Jeweled Staff - if it's the standard skin, again, maybe 3-5k (see #1) If it's the twin serpent skin, maybe 15kish. I'm not sure in that case.
8. r9 Spawning insc. Platinum Wand - maybe as much as 10k, but can be hard to get even a few k for these. Depends on your luck finding buyers.
12. r10 +5en inherent Righteous Maul - maybe a couple k, but will be hard to sell. It's my impression that most hammer buyers want damage mods, not energy mods. The whole point of hammers is big damage numbers (and knockdowns,) so +5 en is hard to sell on a hammer I think.
Rest of the golds - I think these are all merch food, sorry.
"Wing's Axe" - not sure, but nice stats. Axes are not as popular as they used to be, though. Given that the boss is fairly easy to farm, I'd guess 3-5k range for this green.
Blue collector/crafter Pyrewood Staff - maybe 5kish to someone looking for a fire ele hero staff?
Cheers & GL!