Sugar Equivalent to Ale Kegs
Joe Fierce
Nearly Everlasting Gobstoppas!
3 points per use, 50 uses, duration five minutes, speed buff movement 33%
3 points per use, 50 uses, duration five minutes, speed buff movement 33%
/signed just for the name.
Ritualist of Fail
greatest thing known to gw
The Drunkard
I have no problem with new cons that don't break the game any more than it is.
I have no problem with new cons that don't break the game any more than it is.
Eragon Zarroc
lmao, awesome. /signed. more rare drop chance than kegs though.

Love it, "Nearly Everlasting" that's pro right there. I Have CoC already, but still it's a cool idea!
Shayne Hawke
Perhaps call them Ectoplasmic Gobstoppers?
I don't want this kind of consumable if it means that I can't stack it with others like it, similar to how the Keg of Ale fails.
I don't want this kind of consumable if it means that I can't stack it with others like it, similar to how the Keg of Ale fails.
Xx Da Best Xx
Ok cool. ' = 0 = \ ][ /. ,
Zahr Dalsk
Signed as long as they're readily available from a merchant of some kind, or as a Zaishen coin reward.
Awesomesauce in a can.
Awesomesauce in a can.
sounds cool /signed
seems fair so signed
An everlasting gobstopper should surely prevent chants and cries by the user.
Maybe its about time cons had consequences and there to be a disadvantage in one area to offset the boost in another.
Would make for more intelligent use maybe
An everlasting gobstopper should surely prevent chants and cries by the user.
Maybe its about time cons had consequences and there to be a disadvantage in one area to offset the boost in another.
Would make for more intelligent use maybe
So i take it this would be like a condenced rock candy version for explorable areas and not like jars of honey for intown. Either way id be cool with it.
So i take it this would be like a condenced rock candy version for explorable areas and not like jars of honey for intown. Either way id be cool with it.
nah, I'd say give us 66% or 99% ims, 33% is not fun and broken enough :S
Shadowed Ritualist
How about 150% Speed Boost, 500% More damage, and for the hell of it, it can be used in PvP too, wouldn't that make it pretty broken.
But seriously /signed
But seriously /signed
Eh... the only reason they need kegs to operate the way they do is because for the ale hound title, you actually need to spend so many miniutes drinking.
Honestly, I'd just prefer one item that automatically gives 150 sweet points with one usage instead. At least then they could stack.
Honestly, I'd just prefer one item that automatically gives 150 sweet points with one usage instead. At least then they could stack.
Brilliant idea I think. Could be an instant succes, would give the 5mins into drunkard and 3 pts into sweet. This is a no doubter
/SIGNED!-Nosam Relyt
/SIGNED!-Nosam Relyt