What will be the new prices for ECTOs after skills nerf?
Nereyda Shoaal
I couldn't care less about ecto price at the moment. I've got what I want, ecto is just another rare trading material. Bolt of damask or ecto... all the same to me
Mr. Undisclosed
lol at all the "don't like it, dont use it", and everyone will quit if its nerfed arguments here. You people are bad, SF is bad, I hope you're serious about leaving when SF gets nerfed because it would make the community better.
Anyway on topic. I'm thinking about 10k ea, it'll be nice selling 10/100k.
Just in case you haven't noticed theres other things to do in this game besides doa. The tons of people who abuse sf were the same people who abused ursan and will be the same people that will stick around to abuse the next big farm skill.
Anyway on topic. I'm thinking about 10k ea, it'll be nice selling 10/100k.
As far as I see...DoA is empty...so people probably did quit. Sure, you can argue they all went to UWSC, but unless there's an accurate statistic you can never prove it. But in my experience, UW population didn't increase nearly as much as the drastic decline of DoA...DoA had 3 full district when Ursan was around, and I didn't see ToA increase by 3 district when it was nerfed. |
snowman relic
if u read further on regina's quote ''Shadow Form and may also include changes to other prominent farming skills.''
lets see these monks start to weep blood aswell i hope it is prot spirit plz plz plz let it be prot spirit ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2k to 1mil (my friend actually did) in about a week from doing runs and people complain about assassins monk complainers are less cuz we are the ones paying the monks making them freakin rich i say we kill 600/smite and other monk farming and duengon running builds so they go back to healing only
and... when u nerfed everything, when u can't get any good item (without spending a lot of ur spare-time), when it's already 4 years u have this game and u cant get the new stuffs without a "safe & fast build"
what remains? what motivations has a player to continue? nothing.
personally after 4 years and half, tried all classes, completed all campaigns, maxed 30 titles and not interest anymore on pvp... only speedclears and farming remains... nothing else, no point and no reason to do again any of the things listed before...
what remains? what motivations has a player to continue? nothing.
personally after 4 years and half, tried all classes, completed all campaigns, maxed 30 titles and not interest anymore on pvp... only speedclears and farming remains... nothing else, no point and no reason to do again any of the things listed before...
Nereyda Shoaal
o yes plz if they nerf shadow form stop these freakin monks from going from
2k to 1mil (my friend actually did) in about a week from doing runs and people complain about assassins monk complainers are less cuz we are the ones paying the monks making them freakin rich i say we kill 600/smite and other monk farming and duengon running builds so they go back to healing only |
... or maybe it's not a stroll in the park as it looks like?
Monking hasn't been healing only for like... i don't know... 2 years at least
sincerly i dont care about doing some crap sidequests for 500g and 1000xp stealing 30 mins of my life...
about friends... well i think friends are outside, in the real life, not in a game,
90% of the friends u get in a game are contingent to the game and when u will stop to play it they will be forgotten (90%, not all maybe)
and again... what's the point of repeat something that can't give me any kind of satisfaction? at least doa, uw, fow... they give it cause sometimes they can drop some "wonderful" item u didnt have before... but all the rest of the game... is kinda useless and, over all, not used by 90% of the community
edit: the elite areas mentioned before give satisfaction because i think that the time i spend on them worth it! if i have to spend 4 hours to make a uw run and there's a 50% chance to fail on the way... well, bb gw, i'll find other games to spend my spare time
about friends... well i think friends are outside, in the real life, not in a game,
90% of the friends u get in a game are contingent to the game and when u will stop to play it they will be forgotten (90%, not all maybe)
and again... what's the point of repeat something that can't give me any kind of satisfaction? at least doa, uw, fow... they give it cause sometimes they can drop some "wonderful" item u didnt have before... but all the rest of the game... is kinda useless and, over all, not used by 90% of the community
edit: the elite areas mentioned before give satisfaction because i think that the time i spend on them worth it! if i have to spend 4 hours to make a uw run and there's a 50% chance to fail on the way... well, bb gw, i'll find other games to spend my spare time
Lord Sojar
Oh, a speculation thread for marketing purpose, because we haven't seen these before. This is either an ill conceived plot to manipulate ecto prices for your own gains, or you truly think prices are going to go into that much flux, to which I respond... LOL
Trader of Secrets
I sense a disturbance in the ecto prices
sincerly i dont care about doing some crap sidequests for 500g and 1000xp stealing 30 mins of my life...
about friends... well i think friends are outside, in the real life, not in a game, 90% of the friends u get in a game are contingent to the game and when u will stop to play it they will be forgotten (90%, not all maybe) and again... what's the point of repeat something that can't give me any kind of satisfaction? at least doa, uw, fow... they give it cause sometimes they can drop some "wonderful" item u didnt have before... but all the rest of the game... is kinda useless and, over all, not used by 90% of the community edit: the elite areas mentioned before give satisfaction because i think that the time i spend on them worth it! if i have to spend 4 hours to make a uw run and there's a 50% chance to fail on the way... well, bb gw, i'll find other games to spend my spare time |
It's all the same 1's and 0's.
In the end, those "crap quests" and elite areas give you the same thing for your time: nothing.
It's all the same 1's and 0's. |
(obviously every game add nothing to my time, but this can be applied to every single game of the world... target is to free mind, and give fun, for me elite areas do... crap quests not)

Joe Fierce
Oh, a speculation thread for marketing purpose, because we haven't seen these before. This is either an ill conceived plot to manipulate ecto prices for your own gains, or you truly think prices are going to go into that much flux, to which I respond... LOL
dr love
its the speculation that makes the price increase.
before the skeles arrived in uw, ectos kept going up. once they actually arrived, the price of ectos didn't raise, it actually started to lower.
before the skeles arrived in uw, ectos kept going up. once they actually arrived, the price of ectos didn't raise, it actually started to lower.
Dunno what's bad with ectos being 10k ea.
I bought my first set when ectos were 18k ea.
I bought my first set when ectos were 18k ea.
Well, traders change prices depending on how many people sell and buy items to them.
People don't sell ectos to traders. They use them to trade, and they only buy ectos from them as a last resont, since there is almost always selling or buying ectos in any of the temples of the five gods.
So... I wonder how good are traders when it comes to the price of ectos.
People don't sell ectos to traders. They use them to trade, and they only buy ectos from them as a last resont, since there is almost always selling or buying ectos in any of the temples of the five gods.
So... I wonder how good are traders when it comes to the price of ectos.
Well, traders change prices depending on how many people sell and buy items to them.
People don't sell ectos to traders. They use them to trade, and they only buy ectos from them as a last resont, since there is almost always selling or buying ectos in any of the temples of the five gods. So... I wonder how good are traders when it comes to the price of ectos. |
I'm not claiming my ecto selling to the trader would alter prices, but if there is one person selling ecto to the trader (me), there could be more.
Sure... I can't SC. I can win high ranking GvGs... but mashing 1-2-3 to perma is beyond my comprehension.
People who want to nerf SCs know it is for your own good. We understand economics and know it is for your own good. SCs actually make people poorer, because if you don't grind via SCs or farming, you are crippled. |
Come on, we've been through this before.
You are ONLY crippled if you decide to participate in the high-end market with it's insanely limited supply. But then again - it's probably the insanely limited supply that is crippling you even more. If you have more gold you are able to buy more items that have a set price. And in GW, that's pretty much the majority of items. |
Can an e-peen actually be measured, lol.
rumor has it if you add all the "high-end" GW players' e-peens together, the length can reach from here to the moon & back :O
As for price of ectos: hopefully around 10-15k :P The SC guys will ironically profit off an SF nerf as we have amassed our ecto supply from SF and with a nerf we can all sell our ecto for big $$, and to top that off, with all the ectos now sent back into circulation, the prices will go back down, and the elitists will still be bitching about "wtb moar nerf s0 mah sh1t w1ll b3 w0rt|-| [email protected]" That seems to be the biggest problem with GW: when your e-peen gets too big, nothing can truly "satisfy" you ;P
Azure Requiem
It is doubtful ectos will ever be that pricey again. Unless UW becomes a barren wasteland devoid of anyone playing it. Ectos were that pricey back in the day due to multiple factors, all of which are pretty much bypassed now.
Game was still young groups were still learning best ways to deal with uw. People know UW inside and out now.
High demand with low supply. Favor was limited throughout the day based on HoH wins which limited times that you could even enter UW/FoW. Which further limited the supply (since you couldn't region hop infinitely, had like 6 region changes till you were stuck in one).
With high supply and little demand that actually removes ectos from circulation (probably more ectos hoarded than iron ingots in game, yes its an exaggeration

Yet with Protective Bond, Monks were able to farm ecto like mad back in the days. I'd say that build even trumped SF for efficiency.
Yet with Protective Bond, Monks were able to farm ecto like mad back in the days. I'd say that build even trumped SF for efficiency.
bitchbar player
prot bond was nice, espacially since you didnt need an elite to solo uw, no dying nightmares and no aoe scatter however, you where kinda limited to farming aatxs and smites.
7k-9k an ecto sounds fair
After SF gets nerfed will dhuum and smitecrawlers minpet rise in price?? If so, by how much
Or will someone discover a new build and the minis slowly keep dropping in market price
Also is droprate for dhuum same as ghostly hero??
Or will someone discover a new build and the minis slowly keep dropping in market price
Also is droprate for dhuum same as ghostly hero??
After SF gets nerfed will dhuum and smitecrawlers minpet rise in price?? If so, by how much
Or will someone discover a new build and the minis slowly keep dropping in market price Also is droprate for dhuum same as ghostly hero?? |
the reason panda's/etc are still mega bucks is there is only a set ammount in game..and even less undedicated ones.
Malice Black
After SF gets nerfed will dhuum and smitecrawlers minpet rise in price?? If so, by how much
Or will someone discover a new build and the minis slowly keep dropping in market price Also is droprate for dhuum same as ghostly hero?? |
Hence, why smart people only buy new stuff to re-sell. If you buy to keep new items, you'll be leaking cash daily.
Pro tip of the day: If you bought to keep, dedicate it and sell it on. If not kiss goodbye to 400e+ as these mini's will fall in price within the space of a few months.
I seriously doubt they're nerfing all farming skills. It's probably just something to say to comfort the permas, then they'll never get around to it. But for years they've been saying the solo/duo farming is approved. The problem with permas is they used it to clear all of UW and kick everyone else out of Dhuum groups, so they brought the axe on themselves with lack of discretion.
RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO the ecto price inflation. I suggest people counter it by inflating the price of items. Afther the SF nerf alot of items will be harder to come by. Shit; the price of Deldrimor Armor Remnants should sky rocket; as to with that of torment weapons; VS; EB; Obby Edge and any other rare once perma farmable item.
Come Januari i'll be spamming "WTS Deldrimor Armor Remant 100k each! 50 left PM me" LOL
Come Januari i'll be spamming "WTS Deldrimor Armor Remant 100k each! 50 left PM me" LOL
Sarevok Thordin
I just got all my ectos for 5.5k a piece, playing on desperate traders is le fun XD
Karate Jesus
They'll probably jump to 7-8k for a while, but then people will just figure out new ways to do the same shit.
Tbh, don't worry about it. Buy ectos now, wait for the panic after the SF nerf, sell high, then watch the price fall again.
Welcome to GW.
Tbh, don't worry about it. Buy ectos now, wait for the panic after the SF nerf, sell high, then watch the price fall again.
Welcome to GW.
Bob Slydell
I hope Ectos to go up in price to 10k+. All trends die, but it seems like the SF community isn't ready to let this one die. Oh well...too bad and so sad.
??? L??wLi????????? ???
Anything that is farmable will ALWAYS drop in price. So, those spending 600e on a Smite are just throwing their money away.
Hence, why smart people only buy new stuff to re-sell. If you buy to keep new items, you'll be leaking cash daily. Pro tip of the day: If you bought to keep, dedicate it and sell it on. If not kiss goodbye to 400e+ as these mini's will fall in price within the space of a few months. |
As far as I know, unded ones are slowly raising in price, yeah. As each day goes by, more are being dedicated, none are being brought into the game, so they'll continue to rise as long as people are willing to pay for them.
I would love the 13k ecto to come back, how I miss the pre ursan days...
Zahr Dalsk
Well when they nerf SF, half the GW population will quit and ectos will become less expensive.
They'll keep working on the titles, though, and sooner or later there'll be a new build. Even right now, there are builds they can fall back to for a while, even if not nearly as potent as SF.
Titles are the root of this problem, not SF. In fact, titles aren't even the very core; the very core is having an economy at all, having visible rewards for effort. As long as there is something, anything, that people can show off to compensate for their own shortcomings - for example, back in Prophecies days, Obsidian armour - these particular, pathetic people will always work towards it.
This is why you've got everyone flocking to things like Shadow Form, Ursan, Balanced, and whatever was used before that. Only in a system with no earned rewards, will you avoid this.
tl;dr titles and item skins are what caused this whole mess, and as long as they're here the mess will stay