So I'm wondering, where exactly was I supposed to, or can I, get those 3 weapons?
I did the whole pre-order thing, my account says I got the items, but I never did get the sword, bow, or staff, and I have no idea where they were supposed to come from.
EotN Pre-Release Items
Dark Revenger
Try typing /bonus
^That's how all promotional items are obtained. Doing /bonus will give you every one you can get all at once.
Make sure you have lots of room in your bags. You will get every bonus you have available and if you run out of room, you might not get the one you want.
After just toss the unwanted items in the trash can.
After just toss the unwanted items in the trash can.
Depending on how many pre-release kits you have, it could take a lot of room. When I do it a new toon will have his backpack almost filled.
Marty Silverblade
well, throwing away any unmodded bonus stuff is not a waste but careful with the ones that you mod.
I am going to guess that you are going to use these in presearing. Cause, um, why else would you waste 10 bucks on something that you can just buy in the game for gw gold?
Now maybe combining the Glacial blade with the Tormented shield on a monk would look pretty sick since it is the ONLY way to get that skin makes kinda kewl sense.
So I took the Sword - 15-22 dmg and added the +18 vrs charr to it for my lvl 19 war in pre. That said I found out that the BOW actually does more damage even with out the extra 2 attributes in sword! he sundering darksteel whis is kinda nice skin too.
So enough ramblings, type /bonus and then do what they said.
Then add the Pommel to the sword and will you just go and KILL SOMTHING???
I am going to guess that you are going to use these in presearing. Cause, um, why else would you waste 10 bucks on something that you can just buy in the game for gw gold?
Now maybe combining the Glacial blade with the Tormented shield on a monk would look pretty sick since it is the ONLY way to get that skin makes kinda kewl sense.
So I took the Sword - 15-22 dmg and added the +18 vrs charr to it for my lvl 19 war in pre. That said I found out that the BOW actually does more damage even with out the extra 2 attributes in sword! he sundering darksteel whis is kinda nice skin too.
So enough ramblings, type /bonus and then do what they said.
Then add the Pommel to the sword and will you just go and KILL SOMTHING???