PC on some Ol' Stuff.

Matrix Arcade

Matrix Arcade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

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Got some stuff in the storage for awhile now.. thinking of selling the whole lot. Know the value of the biggest part of the my items, but would like to get a PC on some of 'm to be sure.

Bo Staves
r9 Fire 20/10 (non-ins.)
r9 Domination 20/10 (non-ins.)
r9 Water 20/10 (non-ins.)

r7 15/-10 Crennelated
r7 15/-10 Celestial Sword
r7 15%/stance Falchion

r9str +10vs Slash +30hp Shadow Shield (non-ins.)
r9str +10vs FIre +30hp Shadow Shield (non-ins.)

r12str +30 -2/ench Gothic Defender }
r12str +30 -2/ench Echovald Shield } (lolz.)
r12str +30 -2/ench Ornate Shield }

Got some other stuff. frankly not feeling like being spammed by people who want my itemz. A great thanks to anyone that can be bothered to help me and PC these items!
