Sharing El tonics!!
Thenameless Wonder
Who likes everlasting tonics? Anyone, anyone? Well I think there great. So the other day I got thinking, why not pass this around and get # of name of tonic. Here's my idea; its simple to code and would not affect the game whatsoever (in a negative way). Being able to open up a trade window with any person you like, putting your el tonic in the window and click show offer to show this person your tonic, and to have this person double-click on it to transform. This eliminates passing your el tonic around and having someone steal it and it allows for 200+ bunnies in kamadan. El tonics dont give you any party points or nothing so it would be just for enjoyment.
Yay or nay?
Yay or nay?
sickle of carnage
What would be the uniqueness of having the tonic then?
No. This is just more money for those with EL tonics
"WTS 50 minutes of bettle form 500g"
"WTS 50 minutes of bettle form 500g"
Eragon Zarroc
/notsigned. ruins the exclusivness of being the owner of an EL tonic (what little exclusiveness there may be...)
If you want Spamadon full of bunnies or other forms, why not take it upon yourself to gather and pass around regular tonics?
That would entirety defeat the purpose of having an EL tonic.
Lawliet Kira
Ok how about this, instead of giving them 50minutes why not give them 5 minutes? So people can try it out
Shy Guy
This idea ruins the point of even having an everlasting tonic to yourself, no offense.
/notsigned ^-^
/notsigned ^-^
Bob Slydell
Zahr Dalsk
I actually think it is a decent idea; however, the negatives outweigh the positives. Everyone will own an EL tonic sooner or later anyways haha =]
I agree with all the above statements about it removing the point of an EL tonic. I also feel it would be far more difficult to code than you think. If tonics could be used while in a trade window, people wouldn't be able to sell normal tonics anymore. Nor would they be able to sell any usable item, as people would use them before accepting the trade and never pay for the item. Restricting it to only EL tonics may be possible, but I highly doubt it. And even if they could do it there is no point outside of specific people like you wanting something 'unique' to occur. I'd rather see things that benefit the game.
/not signed.
i must agree that this would stop any sales of tonics normal or EL.
i must agree that this would stop any sales of tonics normal or EL.
Zahr Dalsk
The Drunkard
Why not just trade around normal tonics?
Why not just trade around normal tonics?
People actually buy tonics because of epeen? I thought it was to have fun! It makes me smile so much when I see people running around as cute little bunnies or asurans. Also, I'm not sure why people are saying to spread around the normal tonics. To me, those are actually worth more. They provide party points, unlike useless everlasting tonics (aside from being cute!)
/signed (at least for the cute tonics )
/signed (at least for the cute tonics )
If you want to see them model the tonic transforms you into, the other party can use the tonic themselves. The result is the same, you get to see the tonic.
You suggestion is quite pointless.
You suggestion is quite pointless.
/not signed
/not signed
seems pointless
just get guildies or friends who have EL Tonics
just get guildies or friends who have EL Tonics