How reliant are sins on enchants?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2009


Just created a sin, mostly b/c I had a ton of daggers lying around in my inventory that I had no idea what to do with. He's currently lvl4 and have played him for 1hr and 15 minutes, so I really have no clue what to do with him long term.

My question is, do sins rely on enchants enough to make it worth my while to mod the daggs /w a 15^enchant mod, or stick /w a 15^50?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006



You should be under Strength of Honor and Critical Agility at all times.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009

Dominion Of The Shattered Sun [Sun]


Regarding the actual question, you can be disenchanted, getting rid of that bonus, but if you're constantly under 50% health, urdoingitwrong. So 15^50 is better, even if they're reliant on enchants



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2009


Aiight. Thanks folks. I'll set up the primaries as 15^50's and put together one enchanting dagger to see if I ever need it.

Eragon Zarroc

Eragon Zarroc

Atra estern?? ono thelduin

Join Date: Jan 2008

Madness Incarnate



if ur running daggers under perma though, 15enchanted is better :P not much stuff calls for a dagger perma anymore though ;-)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006



Yes, enches can be stripped.
The same way that signets bypass SF.

I don't feel that there is enough ench removal in PvE for the player to actually feel the difference. One will probably be under an ench AND above 50 at any given time.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2008


Well if your heroes are good, you shouldn't have any troubles playing as a sin. Sins do tons of armor-ignoring damage. My health never goes below 50% even in VQing. I wear 15^50.

My sin doesn't rely on enchantments. They help him but not necessary.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


if your critical agility is stripped, your dps is going to be lacking moreso than the 15>50 will be able to compensate... so i'd go with +15% while enchanted (and maintain that ca like your life depends on it).

the other alternative is to use a stance ias with a +15% while in a stance, for areas that are heavy with enchant removal.

15>50 for all other builds that don't use an ias (why you wouldn't use one i have no idea)