15% -1hp weapon
Hood Rich Ronnie
* * * closed by OP * * *
Merch, noneone rly wants 2 hand ones atleast with high req..
Hood Rich Ronnie
well i figured a 2 handed 15% -1hp wouldn't be as vauable as a one hand. As far as i know they're used for saccing, so i wouldn't think req would matter. thanks
dr love
ya it can be used as a nice saccing weapon, but a 1 handed allows u to use the -55hp cesta also
i'd merch only single hand wanted you sold the axe too cheap though :P
Hood Rich Ronnie
just for future reference, how much would a single handed 15% -1hp go for?
Depending on skin & req & stats 5k-xxxx ectos IMO
I just sold a junk skin single hand 14% -1hp for 45k.
So 45k+
So 45k+