PC Tormented Weaps or Armbraces



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2008

Southeast, USA


Self explanatory title. What's everyone saying the price of an armbrace is?

Alright, I've looked through a few posts in various forums that have been asking why armbraces are still hovering around the 43e zone even though ecto prices did go up. I never saw a straight answer, honestly. Most people poked at the OP for QQing about prices or ranted on about how ectos never have changed price that much (~23e=100k a few weeks ago, now ~17e=100k. Not interested in what ectos were 2 years ago. Interested in the recent change). I've checked some sale threads and I've even stood around Spamadan. As far as I can tell, people are still selling (or at least, trying to sell) armbraces for 40-45e. Shouldn't it be down to like 30 something? I figured I'd ask you guys.

Are people completely ignoring the fact that gold, not ecto, is the official flat currency of the game? Or have I just been unfortunate in my price checking?




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


1. ecto is not the flat currency only a placeholder to say so is absurd... it fluctuates all the time

2. people are still buying for 40-43e per - they have dropped a lot just 2 weeks ago I was getting 48e or so...

48 x 5 = 240k

40 x 6 = 240k