I know this is a tricky one to PC and currently no one has been able to give me a strait answer. Currently there are only two -3 -2 magmas shields in game I know of, mine and the one owned by Engage.
Req 11 Magmas Shield. Strength. Max armor -3 hexed -2 stance. gold. non inscription.
Thanks for the PC Pleikki. Depending on buyer/ collector what do you think the max is I could sell this for?
Req 11 Magmas Shield -3 -2 Tyrian
~250e IMO.. ..
I dont think u could sell atleast more what i PC:d, most likely even less. as not much ppl intrested in these
I dont think u could sell atleast more what i PC:d, most likely even less. as not much ppl intrested in these
Bump. Hopefully anyone else has some more information : D
Malice Black
More then 2 in-game.