*********** CLOSED by OP, Nov 27 2009 5:23am GMT ***********
Hi folks,
Sorry I've been neglecting PC replies - modding and the new green sticky have been taking up most of my Guru time lately. I'm hopeful I can still beg help on something here.

I need help price checking a req 11, max damage 14^50 (guessing it's inherent, not inscribable) "Giant Slayers Hammer." I'm guessing it's gold, not purple, but price guesses for both colors would be appreciated.
I've found someone willing to sell me such a hammer, and it would be great for my slaying collection. Alas, neither of us are too sure of price.
I've seen two req 8 15^50 "Giant Slayers Hammers" offered recently for 175k and 50e. I'm thinking the prices there have more to do with the req 8 15^50 and less to do with the name.
My gut instinct says a req 11 14^50 is more like the merch-5k range in the current market. I simply don't see enough of them for sale or know if there's a good chance at enough demand to drive the price higher. I'd rather not overpay of course, but I don't want to short the seller of money he'd easily get if he put this up for auction.
My sincere thanks to anyone who can help here!
Happy Thanksgiving to those in the states. Happy ... you-have-to-work-today to those who aren't.
EDIT - thanks Engage and Stuey for the replies!
EDIT again - Just met up with the previous owner in game and traded 5k for the hammer (which was gold and non-insc.) Thanks for the help, really - I feel much better knowing I didn't rip him off.