I completely forgot so don't bark at me :d
For instance appetizer - Iridescent Griffon Wings, Tangled Seeds, Fiery Crests, Smoking Remains. Do you need to give one of each or one out of those 4 is enough?
Thank you
Dishes for Canthan New Year
Nereyda Shoaal
In each district one of every ingredient needs to be given. You personally dont have to bring every one, but someone has to. To be 100% sure you're not going to be in a failing district then you should bring one of everything
Nereyda Shoaal
That's what I just started doing. I'll get everything prepared so I don't have to depends on others :D
I'm not sure if you're unaware, or just trying to be self-sufficient but last time (and i think before that) guilds "sponsored" distrocts and brought all the needed ingredients.
Just so you don't waste your time/space.
Just so you don't waste your time/space.
I think I'm going to concentrate to one ingredient again like last year..
Naga Hide Farming is the thing I'm going to do I think.. Just join a dist where a guild/alliance is sponsoring the whole dist and spend your time getting your own lunar tokens ^^
Naga Hide Farming is the thing I'm going to do I think.. Just join a dist where a guild/alliance is sponsoring the whole dist and spend your time getting your own lunar tokens ^^
yeah some guilds are very nice and get all the ingredients.. I however like to get a full set as well and someone will usually ask if everyone has all the ingredients .....or which ones people have.
I collect them as the year goes on, and have a mule set aside just for holiday stuff, though am low on the guardian moss this time around. Some are really easy to get (spider legs and seeds) while some are, uhm. not---smoking remains (got ONE this time doing the zaishen stuff)....
I collect them as the year goes on, and have a mule set aside just for holiday stuff, though am low on the guardian moss this time around. Some are really easy to get (spider legs and seeds) while some are, uhm. not---smoking remains (got ONE this time doing the zaishen stuff)....
Kordis Sol
if you are a rit you should be spirit spamming the ghosties that drop smoking remains. just take a full team until you have killed the mursaat then send the rest back to the start.
Unless you want to farm the Mursaat as well, that just wastes time. Let the dwarf lure them away for the mission, then go past them, wait for them to return, and then go kill the ghosts. Easy to do, and faster than killing the mursaat.
Kordis Sol
yes thats very true. i guess when referring to mursaat i just meant those annoying little badgers up the hill that patrol and stand in the way before the seal.
by the way - anyone want full sets? myself and hrefna asynja have dozens on sale... now all we got to do is figure out a price >: )
by the way - anyone want full sets? myself and hrefna asynja have dozens on sale... now all we got to do is figure out a price >: )