Which Zaishen Quests do you always do?
i do most of the missions on all of my characters just because i'll eventually need to do them on hardmode for guardian anyways. it's extra pages in handbooks too.
Lycan Nibbler
I came back after almost 4 months away to find I still had mura on my main chars, so I watched basketball while having those done 
I still had HB on them too
(I stopped playing when they announced HB was being scrapped - was the only title I was actually working on...)
Otherwise, as above, see easy/fast/runners - if only I could find a decent clan I might do more again.

I still had HB on them too

Otherwise, as above, see easy/fast/runners - if only I could find a decent clan I might do more again.
Copenhagen Master
I gave up doing them, it the same things over and over again
Premium Unleaded
I'll pick up HA if it happens to be available when I'm doing it normally, but otherwise, only the ones which take 10-15 mins max.