Pre Nerf Month
A chance to make more players online than EVER. My idea is to make one month of the year, Pre-nerf month. This is were all quests, dungeons, farming, builds and any other things that have been nerfed, not. This will make thousands happy, more active and even more wealthy =). I myself would really like to see the Perma UW chaos planes come back, and im not the only one. Even if this cant be for a month, I would like for a weekend, or even a day. Either way this is one idea that needs consideration. please post your comments, ideas, and thoughts. I am not saying that we need back the glitchy skills and things that really needed to be nerfed, im saying the simple things that really made people mad. like apocalypse day when SF was nerfed, or ursan. Those were good days, Please place appropriate, nice, and actually helpfull comments. Noone wants to hear you say "everything is nerfed for a reason", because quiet frankly some things were nerfed due to people just getting a lil wealthy, who dosn't like that? AND YES it is only temperary, i do realize that this couldnt last forever.
sooooo insta gib sins, ursan, no minion cap, perma SF in pvp, mark of protection blood thanks.
I like playing the game. I don't like farming. Although a few of the nerfs have upset me, none of them (NONE) make me want to stop playing or play less. If you want to farm then do so, but don't ask for it to be made easier.
PvP Escape nerf makes me play less.
but it was broken(i guess) so /notsigned.
but it was broken(i guess) so /notsigned.
Bob Slydell
A chance to make more players online than EVER. |
Farming needs to be profitable but tnot through no-brainer,endless boring things. They should just make dungeons un-runnable and give like 10golds per person in the end chest. It's not gonna crash the economy nowdays so who cares. Rewarding gameplay plox.
Shayne Hawke
There are reasons why things in the game become nerfed. But there's not one good reason for everything to just be un-nerfed.
Eragon Zarroc
everything is nerfed for a reason -_- and this wouldn't lead to a permanent increase, just a temporary one
everything is nerfed for a reason -_- and this wouldn't lead to a permanent increase, just a temporary one

Marty Silverblade
This would probably just turn the game to crap for the entire month. Things were changed for a reason.
Nature Wraith
They wouldn't do it. It would be like admitting everything they've done has been a mistake.
My New Name
lol very pointless and would be too much work just so a few thousand noobs can play ursan/do uwsc in 20 mins and stuff
Rose Rune
Many..many...many things get nerfed at some point in this game. I remember when there was no such thing as Shadow Form so get over it. I'm sick of people complaining about an SF nerf because if they can't cope with the game changing from being super easy to causing a thought process then don't play it. But that's the way I see it.
Kerwyn Nasilan REALLY think this is a good idea...really?
Alright gl with that then
Alright gl with that then
Mesmers will be able to Shadow Form again!
Doesn't sound fun though.
Doesn't sound fun though.
Would be interesting, I wasn't PvPing during the days of retardedly broken HA builds *cough* eoe bomb *cough* so I'd actually be able to get into teams being the r1 noob i am. But this idea itself will never happen anyway
Oh God Ursans return!
Oh God Ursans return!
Please, someone close the thread before the OP is over cooked.
Back to the orginal idea; There are too many reasons for me to say this to be expressed here: /not signed.
Back to the orginal idea; There are too many reasons for me to say this to be expressed here: /not signed.
so like you want prot bond back without energy loss?.... the one that crashed Anets servers?
Reverend Dr
nah, I just want all ranger fast activation skills to have 0 aftercast and 0 recharge.
Allow infinite copies of the same spirits again. That would be fun, right? Just revert that pesky nerf that kills any duplicate spirits in range of one another, and we can all go back to playing with and against spirit poop.
In case you have failed to detect the sarcasm in the previous text, I do not agree with this suggestion.
In case you have failed to detect the sarcasm in the previous text, I do not agree with this suggestion.
Riot Narita
What a crazy idea. But you knew that didn't you?
/signed, just for the sheer audacity of the suggestion.
/signed, just for the sheer audacity of the suggestion.
It's easy enough to make money.
Do we really need to make it easier?
I mean, really?
/not signed.
Do we really need to make it easier?
I mean, really?
/not signed.
Here's a better idea: Just keep the game as it is and fill everyone's chest with money and materials. Yep, still a crap idea, but better than screwing up the game just so you can form more easily.
/Not signed. I would however like a tripple increase drop rate: ecto; dhuum/ smite minis weekend afther mobway nerf.
Winry Sagara
This is EXACTLY the reason about the nerf. The abuse of farming. THANKS REGINA.
/not signed
/not signed
Heck it they would just toss out the loot scaling nerf I'd be back to stay.
/signed!!! But only IF they do a complete spell reversion month - Buffs, Nerfs, everything! All the way back to their original specs! Anyone remember Spiritual Pain? Woo hoo! Good times!
shadow walk + dark aura bug anyone? i heard that making 5k dmg in 15 seconds is a little overpowered, just little
sarcasm off: /hell no
sarcasm off: /hell no
Maker of the fallen
There are some skills i'd like to see unnerfed but....well lets face it they got shot with the nerf gun for a reason. Maybe one day where everyone could just screw around...but a whole month? that's fail sorry.
i think a random week-end would be fun, but not more than a week-end!
ps: hey guys, i think he's talking about pve only, so dont whine on pvp!
ps: hey guys, i think he's talking about pve only, so dont whine on pvp!
Skye Marin
If it's for a weekend or a month, the amount of work needed to revert everything, one item at a time, is absolutely staggering. There are many good reasons why it's not going to happen, but this one is all you really need.
Too much work. Not going to happen.
Too much work. Not going to happen.
Not too bad an idea, a month is about right.
Not true, they could simply do a server rollback to 2005 (assuming the data still exists). That would be about as useful, logical, and enjoyable as the suggestion in this thread.
Skye Marin
Come on let's see this idea go to work! Post anything and everything about my topic you would like to say, just keep it clean
Its incredibly imbalanced. Would take a huge amount of time. Wouldn't even really make sense (several skills have gone through several nerfs and buffs and redesigns... which unnerfed version of the skill do you pick for this month when the skill has been changed 10 times). It appeals to the lowest type of gamer (those who want overpowered stuff and don't recognize the need for balanced gameplay), devalue accomplishments, screw up the economy, people who missed the week/month whatever would whine ("I was at my grandma's.... I want to use Ursan AGAIN!"), reintroduce bugs (shadow walk/dark aura... Signet of Spirits instantly killing anybody), would probablly drive AWAY just as many people as it would bring back to the game, would be incredibly confusing for new/causal players, would set a precedent where people would expect these kinds of weekends in the future, would drive away sales from GW2 from players who don't like this without actually attracting any new players, lead to new gimmick cookie cutter builds to farm, and after a few days of this bad players who couldn't beat stuff with 3 overpowered PvE skills already after this change would STILL complain that this game needs to be dumbed down even more because its too hard for them. Bad players would still be terrible and fail missions/dungeons. Good players would still exploit and dominate... just faster.
And those are just the reasons I can think off the top of my head for why this is a bad idea.
Things are nerfed for a reason. Do I really need to add any more reasons to explain why this is a bad idea?
Voltaic Ectoplasm
This is EXACTLY the reason about the nerf. The abuse of farming. THANKS REGINA.
/not signed |
I for one am against the idea.
1.This will take far too much effort, Reverting back to 2005, then back to 2009.
2.Back to the old glitchy/bugged (did i miss anything) guild wars.
3.I think this would provoke players to leave.. not come back, the economy is already messed up as it is, one full month will be grinded to the max, ectos would be at 3k/ea :P
Hope this will fill ya in with why ppl aren't agreeing with it

The Drunkard
While I'd love to have the minion factory back, this idea not only targets the skills that were nerfed but the ones that were buffed. Rerolling 4 years of effort put into the game so you can plain farm again isn't a valid reason.
Please stop suggesting 'going back' stuff.
You can't walk forward if you go back.
You can't walk forward if you go back.